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Search results

  1. J


    Thanks for sharing very useful info............ English to Urdu Dictionary
  2. J

    Summing dollar values based on specific date being greater than a list of dates

    Dollar East is a money tranfer agency and also currency exchange.
  3. J

    Vlookup w/ linked data from a network drive returns N/A# (sometimes...)

    Thanks for sharing thats very informative and useful. Zong
  4. J

    Trying to extract Currency Symbol from a cell

    Useful post thanks... currency rates in pakistan
  5. J

    Multiple Results while Looking Up

    Wonderful sharing thanks <b>Matric Result</b>, <b>Matric Results</b>, <b>SSC Result</b> , <b>SSC Results</b>, <b>SSC Part 1 Result</b>, <b>SSC Part 2 Result</b>