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  1. X

    Please help!!!

    Hi prazad82, Possibilities are there that I did not correctly understood your requirement, but if I did, what you want to achieve is when you select an employee from the list (say you do this on Sheet1, Cell A1), you want to know whether that employee is “Present” or not according to the Weekly...
  2. X

    Numbers to Text - High Volume

    Hi Polarisking, Suppose the file coming in has got all the member ids in Column A, starting from Cell A2, along with other information in other columns. We need to get rid of spaces from member ids and format these to match with your master file's format for member ids, i.e. "0000000" - I...
  3. X

    Data validation

    Hi Virgeesh, The only reason why Luke's solution won't work is you do not have the cells/column formatted as text, as Luke has indicated, since you need to have leading zeros! Hope this helps! Regards,
  4. X

    highlight linked cells in a worksheet

    Hi Narayan, hope you would not mind if I say something! Hi Pradish, If Narayan got you to what you wanted, then please ignore. I have a feeling that what you want is, to highlight all cells in a spreadsheet which has got formula (any cell that is linked to other cells, will have formula in...
  5. X

    To identify the begining number

    Hi Vargeesh, We can do this with Data Validation. When you say that "if the number is not starting with 1, it should throw a message like 'Check it'", I assume that you want a real time check while entering the data into cells. Suppose you are working on column A. Select the entire column...
  6. X

    How to create unique list based on data available in range of cells

    Hi tonaveenv, May be there are some other ways in excel to do this, but we may achieve your need with little help of VBA. Put the following code in the excel file where you have the list in Column A and run it. [Copy the code below, go to your excel file, hit Alt+F11, this will open the...
  7. X

    Filter names with sheet name

    Hi Gazzal, Assuming you have all the names in Column A, with a Column Header as say "Names" or "Member Names" or anything else. Select Column A Go to Data > Advanced In case you get the following error click on "OK" "Microsoft Office Excel cannot determine which row in your list or...