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Search results

  1. G

    Best practice formula for TRUE condition

    Hello friends, I faced a situation where I was to check for a condition, and based on that condition I will be needed to fetch another value from the same data table. My choice was obvious VLOOKUP()..... But as expected the situation is not so kind hearted, now the new requirement is that I...
  2. G

    Shorten the AND() options

    Thx Narayan, this seems to work, I'll now implement it in my 478592 entities and 87 conditions to see if I can make it a common formula in all sheets :)
  3. G

    Shorten the AND() options

    Dear Jake, Pls note that it is the starting of IF() which ensures that I chk if the target cell is filled or not, if it is blank then the formulas should show blank, and quit without checking the next if statement having <> IF([Copy_BIB_Instrument List P0_20160530.xlsx]PI'!E5="",""
  4. G

    Shorten the AND() options

    sample file attached I'm trying to fetch a cell value based on two conditions using AND() but in the and statement I sometimes requires to use an OR conditions twice too.
  5. G

    Shorten the AND() options

    Hello, How can I shorten this Basically it is the part of the longer formula
  6. G

    Count Max value (text+number) occurrences with filtering a specific part of text

    With fixed number of ranges as u have used it will work. But as my requirement is to take care of an unmonitored column which somebody else is updating automatically from their database... I'm not aware of blank cells, even the starting cell in the column can be blank.... or can have many...
  7. G

    Count Max value (text+number) occurrences with filtering a specific part of text

    This is a automatically created database file in the network and I'm not suppose to edit it, it can contain non-blank cells anywhere in the column. It can contain any number of data values (GE was just an example) so I've to keep the searching approach as open as possible. First search all...
  8. G

    Count Max value (text+number) occurrences with filtering a specific part of text

    hahaha wish if that was so easy my friend, but u have already reached the first step towards the solution :). Okie so now as we have counted all cells having GE in it, (total 8 times). GE001 appears 4 times and GE002 appears another 4 times, but now we have to count the number of unique texts...
  9. G

    Count Max value (text+number) occurrences with filtering a specific part of text

    I'm having an excel column range of Text+Numbers (including blank cells) something like: 00EGB00-GE001 00EGB00-GE001 00EGB00-GE001 00EGB00-GE001 00EGB00-GE002 00EGB00-GE002 00EGB00-GE002 00EGB00-GE002 00EGD20-GD101 First what I need is to Count total number of similar values and I'm stuck...
  10. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    Sorry I'm just nesting..... try now
  11. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    XXX.... Okie check now.....
  12. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    Check the attached file.... I've taken the rule that "If employee availed LOP then that LOP will NOT be adjusted in remaining leaves and the LOP will be added in "Leaves Availed(LOP)".
  13. G

    MF Portfolio Tracker & Android

    Hope u all must be aware of problems faced in accessing Internet Data connections in Android. For example we have a MF portfolio tracker sheet in chandoo forums, the excel sheet auto fetches the data (text) from internet and updates everything in a particular sheet. But u can't fetch the same...
  14. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    All my formuals and logic was destroyed when I got a though: What if there is a value in Leave Availed (LOP)????? What should be the case if (for some reason) employee wants to apply for LOP even if SL,PL,CL is still balance? Then Leave Availed (LOP) should be added in Output Leave...
  15. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    Thx for the honor, but honestly I'm not Genius...... I'm just GS :) By the way plz correct the formula in cell Q3 as: =IF(R3=0,IF(AND(K3<0,L3<=0,M3<=0),0,IF(AND(K3<0,K3+L3<=0),SUM(K3:M3),M3)),0) Same shall be updated in remaining cells of column Q.
  16. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    I'm not a genius like others here but I just tried to make a "Nest" ;) Chk the file attached...
  17. G

    Leave Availed Calculation formula reqd

    The basic rule applies: Leave availed can not be more than the opening balance, right? If yes then there is no meaning of adjusting leaves bcoz the employee should be prompted about Zero leaves in the account (SL,PL,CL,etc) and they themselves should check and apply proper type of leave. By...
  18. G

    I'm still learning....

    I'm still learning....
  19. G

    vlookup does not solve the purpose

    Hello, I am having a wonderfully huge list of values having lot of data like: head1 head2 ..... headX value1 value2..... valueX value1 value2..... valueX value3 value4..... valueX value1 value2..... valueX value3 value4..... valueX value3 value4..... valueX value1 value2..... valueX and the...
  20. G

    Extract a particualr part of text

    that was GR8 :) Thx Luke
  21. G

    Extract a particualr part of text

    Dear friends, I'm stuck with a problem. We get datasheet (xls) file with data in single column but multiple rows, like: LATER 0 - 3.6 bar(g) 10-16840 MM 0.7 - 75 deg C What I need to do is to extract "0" i.e before - symbol.... and then extract 3.6, 16840, and 75 which comes after -...