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Search results

  1. W

    Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet

    I hope I did this right... https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=fd1f8f39d6677a54&resid=FD1F8F39D6677A54!166&parid=FD1F8F39D6677A54!123&authkey=!AM-Ict70ekyzLWM
  2. W

    Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet

    Dumb question - How do I upload a zip file?
  3. W

    Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet

    One more thing, perhaps unrelated, but I've often wondered if my Office Suite isn't corrupted and potentially causing the file to corrupt. Reason being is that periodically, ONLY my workstation (out of the entire building) will lock up in the middle of a keystroke. After rebooting, I'll open and...
  4. W

    Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet

    The file...I might can get a sample tomorrow, the concern is that if there is a virus attached - it's going to crash my personal laptop. That might take me from Captain an Coke to straight Crown on the rocks. As for the rest: Is there a just-formulas workbook or it has macros and/or...
  5. W

    Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet

    Here's the issue: I work on a 3K spreadsheet that is shared. At any given point in time, there are 3-4 users logged in. The cells are formatted with either text color, cell color, italics, bold, date and/or time. This information is all used to communicate at a glance the status of the...