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Search results

  1. A

    Trailing/Moving averages with appropriate chart

    Hi guys, I have a load of sales data which can be broken down in to weekly monthly summaries and I have been asked to produce a trailing averages report. I understand how to create one (3 period average AVERAGE(M1,M2,M3) = Trailing for M4 etc. I need a chart to visualise the data...
  2. A

    Index Match a unique list with additional criteria.

    The criteria needs to be dynamic. It is for a performance dashboard. I have a series of filters (Month, Year, Team). Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. A

    Special formating

    Data validation my friend. In cell c1 use DV with formula =isblank(D1) in cell D1 us DV with formula =isblank(C1) Fill down Also add a custom error message as the default one is rubbish.
  4. A

    Index Match a unique list with additional criteria.

    Hi guys, I have some formula which calculates a list of unique names based on a table: =IFERROR(INDEX(Table_Query_from_Sales2_6[OPENED_BY],MATCH(0,COUNTIF($D$5:D5,Table_Query_from_Sales2_6[OPENED_BY]),0)),"") Table_Query_from_Sales2_6[OPENED_BY] = List of names (table reference) This is...