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Search results

  1. J

    Excel Slicers 2010 Cross Worksheets

    Thanks for the reply and suggestion. You identified the problem... data is in different excel workbooks or worksheets and not part of the same data source/cache. Looks like putting everything into an access database and then running an excel report will be the work around.
  2. J

    Using access to store data for excel dashboard

    Excellent topic and very informative discussions - contributions. My issue a little of the topic, would using access database as the source data to build the pivot tables be a work around for the issue where "slicers" only work with one data cache? I have different data sources types i.e...
  3. J

    Excel Slicers 2010 Cross Worksheets

    Anyone have an idea as to how to use a common set of "Slicers" to control pivot tables/data in two different worksheets. Note... This is different than using slicers across multiple sheets using a common spreadsheet(pivot cache or source). My issue is I have different types of data on...