Hello all and thanks in advance for the help!
See attached file.
-B:B will be the date of the data capture.
-C:C will be the dollar amount of data.
-A:A is being used to determine if the data is within the last 12 months of the current entry(last row entry)
Columns O and P will be used to...
Hello all!
Thanks for the help. I have attached a file for reference with some comments...
Few things to note....
-Filtering is done so that it can be charted as two separate data blocks....
-Needs to be able to take more data than is posted, so the "blank data" on the end of the copied...
I'm sure I am.....
See attached, I got it to this point.....
Complete data to be charted is in A:C, out to row 424 (needs to be able to go that long)...
Filtered out as previous examples to F:I and K:N respectively......
Have the chart look like the ones you made last week :-)
How did you handle the blank spaces in the data not to chart....I understand all the rest of the logic with having the two series but I'm struggling having the chart skip over the " " cells.....thanks.
Thanks for the reply ;)
It doesn't need to be laid out that way for data, I can lay it out anyway it needs to be as it will be imported from different part of the spreadsheet.
I believe they will want the x axis to be the "date" analyzed and then the 3 dots stacked up on that date...
Not new case, different version.....
Those two topics will be the "end" of project if I continue on same path.
I "hope" it can be simplified with the two of us but I have to be prepared in case it can't be :(
As far as user, they will use the individual tabs to put in data (-70,-71,-72,etc)
They will also use the ending "Charts" to review.....
All the rest of the tabs is "behind the scenes" stuff.....so REF Charts is a behind the scenes sheet that gets the data ready for charting...user will...
Hello all and thanks!
See attached for vision....
Have test scores from two different locations and would like to use the data for further analysis......
Possibly a macro but not sure if it is.......
Project has only two locations but many more charts in different locations on the sheet so an...
So in this line....
=IF('-700'!$A$10="Ebco",'-700'!$B$10," ") tests something just on a sheet named '-700'
I would like this line to be dynamic to look at the same cell on several different sheets....for example:
=IF('-700'!$A$10="Ebco",'-700'!$B$10," ")
Hello all,
I have attached a file for reference......
Chart needs to have date on the left and a value on the right....
Will have "blank space" in between entries as shown......
Only values on the x axis will be the dates in the column, no blanks in between and no space, looks like here the...
This 6 packet needs then to change dynamically to take in the choices of the Charts tab.
Will need to chart just "ebco" or "vendor" or "both"......
Also one of my charts will take data from ALL sheets, how would a single packet handle something like that if its all sheets...
Thanks for the help
Charts page is solely for selection and viewing of charts, nothing more....
I deleted many tabs because the file was too big to upload so perhaps there were things that were unclear on there...
Charts may be data from one tab (-72), or data from all tabs...
Really nice!
Attached is my real one that I am working on....
I included a note page so you understand my logic of where things are coming from...
I'm sorry, I'm terrible when it comes to macros but I know that is an area where I need to get better.
Thanks for all of the assistance...
Hello all and thanks in advance. File attached with the original layout and the desired final column.
-Original data will always be laid out as such with Date, sample1,sample2,sample3
-There will be blanks in the data that should be eliminated.
-Will be used later on in sheet for charting...
I love it!
I tried it on my actual file and got it to work partially....
So it copied over the formulas and not the value...
The "4 cells" are coming from a different spot in the workbook...
So I guess if it copies over the values (maybe) from those 4 cells to the desired columns and then...