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  1. B

    Practical tax problem

    I should also say thanks for highlighting that my explanations need to get better!
  2. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi Misra, another beautiful formula which again stretches my understanding of Excel and arrays. Both formulas give me the outputs I need and I shall probably use the one that I can best explain to others. Thanks for yours and Narayan's generous responses. Stan
  3. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi Narayan, great links, wonderful signposting. Regards Stan
  4. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi NARAYANK991, a beautiful solution which I don't quite understand, yet! It is the first use I have seen of MMULT so I am researching this a little so that I can explain it to my colleagues. But I wonder if you have time to offer an explanation of why you used "--" and "N"...
  5. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi Misra, apologies if I used your name incorrectly in my earlier reply. Regards Stan
  6. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi Somendra, thanks for taking the time to reply. Your points 1-3 are correct. Row 2 is the tax line in the accounts and rows 5 and 8 are there for information to show what the output values should be. I only need to allocate tax to the cash flow statement once the cumulative total in row 2...
  7. B

    Practical tax problem

    Hi Chandoo community, I'd be enormously grateful for any suggestions on my tax calculation problem. The issue is how to tell Excel to account for carry forward cumulative tax credits in the cash flow statement, until they are used up and then to revert to a standard method of calculating tax in...
  8. B

    Extracting text - is there a simpler, more elegant way to solve this problem?

    Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll post back when I've tried them out. Stan
  9. B

    Extracting text - is there a simpler, more elegant way to solve this problem?

    Hi all I want to extract the word Gas from the text string "Walking Gazelle Gas-Water" - text in cell A15. I have a solution, which is: =MID(A15,FIND(" ",A15,FIND(" ",A15)+1)+1,LEN(A15)-FIND(" ",A15,FIND(" ",A15)+1)-(LEN(A15)-LEN(RIGHT(A15,FIND("-",A15)))+1)) But I did wonder if anyone...
  10. B

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello everyone I find myself on this site nearly everyday for work, and pleasure, so thought it was about time I said hello. Great site and thanks for the elegant solutions. Stan (Nottingham, UK)