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Search results

  1. S

    Sumproduct - with dates and separate spreadsheets

    Thanks for the tip with a little playtime it's now working. T&R Sparkgirl
  2. S

    Sumproduct - with dates and separate spreadsheets

    Until Sunday I was a Sumproduct virgin and now I am trying to crack the world or rather my accounting system! In one spreadsheet (called Bus Exp) I record all of my business expenses including mileage and other information including the date (column B) and the amount (Column d). I created...
  3. S

    Sumproduct - Can you use wild cards?

    Thanks for that that cracks another problem for me! Sparkgirl
  4. S

    Sumproduct - Can you use wild cards?

    Follows on from previous post:- I'm from an Access background and trying to make Excel do some of the functions I would normally build in Access. For example in my spreadsheet =Sumproduct(--(k2:k1001="P10001"),--f2:F1001) - calculates the cost of all the materials used against job P10001...
  5. S

    Sumproduct - when used on different pages in a workbook

    You cracked it thank you Rgs Sparkgirl
  6. S

    Sumproduct - when used on different pages in a workbook

    I recently became an electrician and am trying to build myself a stock management system in excel. I have it 99% complete, but am struggling with one little part. I have been using a Sumproduct query to summarise information in one spreadsheet called Materials...