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Search results

  1. hemasundar

    How can I convert my Pdf files to Excel

    nitro pdf can do the job
  2. hemasundar

    How can I convert my Pdf files to Excel

    some programs available to convert pdf files into excel,but if you have tables in pdf files those tables only converts into excel successfully
  3. hemasundar

    total time elapsed between two dates

    sir, i need formula to calculate total time between two dates here i am explaining my criteria with an example from 25/10/2013 19:00 to 27/10/2013 07:30 condition 1. between 06:00 to 18:00 treat as peak hours condition 2. between 18:01 to 05:59 treat as slack hours how many peak hours and...
  4. hemasundar

    formula for dates [SOLVED]

    thank you narayan it worked for me
  5. hemasundar

    formula for dates [SOLVED]

    sir thank for quick response, suppose month is july automatically it has to fill end of month is 31.07.2013
  6. hemasundar

    formula for dates [SOLVED]

    sir, i need a formula ,for example the month and year is june2013, to fill the column from 1.06.2013 to 30.06.2013 like dates has to fill depending on month. please forgive for my poor english
  7. hemasundar

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    excellent explanation by narayank991 hats off
  8. hemasundar

    pivot tables calucated fields with if function

    how to use if function in pivot table calculated filelds
  9. hemasundar

    need a macro to create tables

    sir cells with borders
  10. hemasundar

    need a macro to create tables

    sir i need a macro to create a table if n=1 it has to create one box and if n=2 it has to create two boxes and if n=3 it has to create three boxes below i am describing how i need a table --- | | ---------- | | | ----------------- | | | | ------------------
  11. hemasundar

    Request to Chandoo (Key Master)

    many many thanks to chandoo for considering our request
  12. hemasundar

    Request to Chandoo (Key Master)

    iam strongly requesting you please include MS ACCESS in your website
  13. hemasundar

    Format number from UK format to Indian format

    if you are using win xp or win 7 go to control panel and then to Region and Language settings there u can configure to indian number fomat
  14. hemasundar

    selecting range based on cell value

    thank you very much sir.
  15. hemasundar

    selecting range based on cell value

    in COUNTA(OFFSET($B$1,,,A1)), please explain me what means ",,," in offset($B$1,,,A1) formula
  16. hemasundar

    Count no. of days in a range monthwise

    if u provide a sample file i will find solution
  17. hemasundar

    corresponding interest rate for given date

    thank you very much for your help
  18. hemasundar

    corresponding interest rate for given date

    sir i need solution to the following problem .suppose interest rate form 1.1.12 to 30.04.12 is 5%, and from 1.5.12 to 31.8.12 is 4% and from 1.9.12 to 31.12.12 is 2% ,for example a date falls between 1.1.12 to 31.12.12 it has to pick up corresponding interest rate ,please forgive me for my poor...
  19. hemasundar

    Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding

    sir i need solution to the following problem .suppose interest rate form 1.1.12 to 30.04.12 is 5%, and from 1.5.12 to 31.8.12 is 4% and from 1.9.12 to 31.12.12 is 2% ,for example a date falls between 1.1.12 to 31.12.12 it has to pick up corresponding interest rate ,please forgive me for my poor...