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Count no. of days in a range monthwise


Dear All...,

I have a sheet, in a column Y it has some dates, now i just want to create a summary sheet that it should count no of days in a month wise. i have prepared another sheet monthwise, now i just want to extract the no of days monthwise, i tried countif formula, but gives error, the formula is (=COUNTIF(Due,">1-2-12"&"<1-4-12")) it gives error. Kindly help me
Hi vijay.vizzu,

Considered using COUNTIFS()? Try This one:


...where Column A contains dates or:


...where Column A contains dates and C1 & C2 contains start and end date respectively.


Dear Faseeh, Thanks for your answer, but this formulas can't work, it can't count the no. of days according to the month in a range.
Are you sure vijay.vizzu???

Dates	        Months	Day Count
26-Jul-12	Jan-12	  2
21-Sep-12	Feb-12	  0
1-Mar-12	Mar-12	  2
25-Mar-12	Apr-12	  0
20-Jan-12	May-12	  0
9-Nov-12	Jun-12	  1
17-Oct-12	Jul-12	  2
25-Jan-12	Aug-12	  1
6-Jun-12	Sep-12	  1
12-Dec-12	Oct-12	  1
2-Aug-12	Nov-12	  1
Dec-12	  1[/pre]

...the data is present in between B1:D13, and am using this formula to calculate values in Column D:


..Changing dates for every month? I hope it will work now.



When I read the post I didn't realize what did vijay.vizzu meant with "number or days monthwise" and I still don't.

Can you help improving my poor english? Thanks.


PS: after your last post I'm more confused.
@ Montrey,

:)Read between the lines, SirJB7 told us his birthday!

@ SirJB7,

What else i can say except....
