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  1. C

    Conditional formatting - error report

    Hello all, I have created a table with 31 columns. One of the cells has 2 Conditional formatting rules in it and one of the cells is a drop down list dependent on what was inputted in the previous cell. When I try to add a new row in the table and save - the error report appears saving there...
  2. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    Hi Sir JB7, no it is not downloading, please could you send it to the_harbinger61@hotmail.com. Thanks
  3. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    Hi SirJB7, I have tried to sort it myself but dont seem to be able to do it and I am getting very frustrated. Would you mind trying to sort it out for me? I didn't seem to be able to access the file you uploaded last time, is there an easier way for me to download it...
  4. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    Thanks, I have tried this again but it doesnt seem to be working - could you please explain step by step the changes I need to make to the Excel sheet? This would be a great help, thanks.
  5. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

  6. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    Hopefully one of these works: http://hotfile.com/dl/143733840/67abcd1/Engagement_tracker_2012.xlsx.html http://hotfile.com/dl/143733840/67abcd1/Engagement_tracker_2012.xlsx.html http://hotfile.com/dl/143733840/67abcd1/Engagement_tracker_2012.xlsx.html
  7. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    Thanks. How do I add the file?
  8. C

    Error Report when adding rows into table

    All, I have created a table with 31 columns, only one row inputted. There are a number of lists, one cell of conditional formatting but that is about it. When a new row is added and I try save the Excel, the following warning comes up – 'One or more formulas in this workbook are longer...
  9. C

    Copying formulas/data validation/conditional formatting

    My data was not in a table which may explain my problem. How do I make it into a "table" for auto-populating - the only tables I create are by putting bold gridlines around my work - amateur I know. Thanks
  10. C

    Copying formulas/data validation/conditional formatting

    Dear all, I have table with a number of formulas/data validation techniques and conditional formatting rules in the first row. Row 3 has all the formulae I want in but as the table has a new row added to it for each new entry (new row becomes row 3), I would like the formulae and the...
  11. C

    Dependent drop-down lists

    Thanks, that helps but I cant seem to complete the Indirect part, and now I can't delete lists I do not want. Any ideas?
  12. C

    Dependent drop-down lists

    Hi everyone, I am trying to sort out some pre-populated drop down menus. Depending on which one of 3 is selected in the first drop down, other options will be pre-populated in the next cell ie. Food Meat Vegetable Fish Meat Beef Carrot Cod Vegetable Chicken Peas Haddock Fish Pork...
  13. C

    Conditional formatting

    Hello, I would be grateful if somebody would be able to help me out with a conditional formatting issue I am having trouble with. I would like to have OPEN or CLOSED auto populated based on information in other cells. Essentially, there will be dates in A1 and B1. A1 will always populated...
  14. C

    Conditional formatting - Warning signs for approaching deadlines

    Ignore that last question, I have sorted it however, how can I copy the formula so it applies for A2 to D2/A3 to D3 etc. Thanks
  15. C

    Conditional formatting - Warning signs for approaching deadlines

    How would this be done in Excel 2007? it appears to be a different set up for creating forumlae. Thanks
  16. C

    Conditional formatting - Warning signs for approaching deadlines

    Thanks, that is exactly what I needed to do. Brilliant
  17. C

    Conditional formatting - Warning signs for approaching deadlines

    Hi everyone, to me this seems like a very difficult question but I am sure there must be the funtionality within Excel to be able to do this. Essentially, I would like to track items that have gone out to the client which have not yet been returned. The items must be returned within 2 months...
  18. C

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Charles from England, Trying to improve a database I have compiled over the past few months for work and came across this site. Already used one of the threads to save me a good few hours work and will hope to tap into the knowledge more in the coming weeks. Thanks