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Search results

  1. W

    Counting between date range

    Luke M. Can you clerify the "&" =COUNTIFS(dcv!A:A,"ABC",dcv!V:V,">=10/1/2011",dcv!V:V,"<11/01/2011") =COUNTIFS(dcv!A:A,"ABC",dcv!V:V,">="&C2,dcv!V:V,"<"&C3) Comparing the two I see you place the " on the greater than/equal and the & before the cell with the date. Why...
  2. W

    Counting between date range

    Luke M. Thank you! It worked and I also didn't know you could use & in that manner. Again thanks for your help.
  3. W

    Counting between date range

    Hello all, Have data similar to abc 5/27/2008 abc 1/26/2010 abc 5/27/2008 My question is how do I count the number of times "abc" apears between date range 10/1/2011 - 11/1/2011 without hard coding the date. I currently have this formula...
  4. W

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello all. My name is Leisa. I found your site be chance and love it. I have not been using Excel for a few years now and very rusty! I am here to channel my inner geek.