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Search results

  1. R

    Compare PO list (Ext SKU) with Received list (Ext Int SKU) then display match

    Workbook - PO PO SKU/ARTICLE # DESCRIPTION CS11.03002 IPH4-OST-10 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Orange
  2. R

    Compare PO list (Ext SKU) with Received list (Ext Int SKU) then display match

    That is correct except there is one more column in the PO workbook. "PO" would be in the column next to the "SKU/Article" column. So the displayed info for the matches would be - 123456 .... ITKYIPC0102 ..... iph4-ost-2 ..... Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Brown 123456 .... ITKYIPC0101 ...
  3. R

    Compare PO list (Ext SKU) with Received list (Ext Int SKU) then display match

    Workbook - PO SKU/ARTICLE # DESCRIPTION IPH4-OST-10 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Orange IPH4-OST-4 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Dark Green IPH4-OST-2 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Brown IPH4-OST-1 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Black IPH4-OST-11 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Grey IPH4-OST-9 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case -...
  4. R

    Compare PO list (Ext SKU) with Received list (Ext Int SKU) then display match

    Hello. I have two workbooks of Data. One contains external SKU's from PO's. The other work book contains External SKU's with their corresponding internal SKU's that have been created by us. I want to compare the two lists to find out which items appear on one list but not the other. I would like...