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Search results

  1. M

    Dynamic Charts in Power Point

    Hi Narayan, My question was: For ex i create a combo box in power point which is a list of Japan, Australia, India and also a chart which has the data sheet(which is excel within the Power point). From the combo box i select Japan and this should trigger the same in the data sheet so that...
  2. M

    Dynamic Charts in Power Point

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for the link but i could not find exact solution for my question.Is there any other way. Kindly help. Megz
  3. M

    Dynamic Charts in Power Point

    Hi , I am a big fan of your website with some cool stuffs which proved to be really handy. I have a request and question. 1.Can i make dynamic charts in Power point? 2. Just like excel with pivot tables i select in my filter and chart below dynamically changes can that happen in power point...