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Search results

  1. S

    require help in creating a calendar from a worksheet on worksheet 2

    i would like the planned activity details displayed on the second worksheet thanks
  2. S

    require help in creating a calendar from a worksheet on worksheet 2

    have created an excel worksheet which contains a five week marketing plan. on the second sheet i would like to create a calendar view pulling across the text and background colours from the column b on the first sheet. on the second sheet, you would run some form of macro which creates a...
  3. S

    Copy the backgorund colour and content from one cell into another

    thanks for this, however im getting an error .range any ideas why?
  4. S

    Copy the backgorund colour and content from one cell into another

    example in cell a1 on worksheet 1 i have a red background and text cell a2 yellow background and text etc etc is there a macro, formula, vb script that anyone knows to do this thanks
  5. S

    Create a calendar with text and colour from another worksheet

    It will always be from weeks 1 to weeks 5 I will change the template tab to only show a 5 week as that will be the maxmimum number of weeks in any given month, the calendar tab would pull the data displayed within that period. does that make sense thanks
  6. S

    Create a calendar with text and colour from another worksheet

    Hi is there anyone that is willing to help? thanks
  7. S

    Create a calendar with text and colour from another worksheet

    Hi yes that would help you can download the file at www.officefriendly.info/chandoo its entitled office friendly marketing template.xlsx thanks
  8. S

    Create a calendar with text and colour from another worksheet

    Hello i need a little help in developing our marketing calendar which contains all of our activity on sheet 1. column a contains days of week broken down into 5 weeks (only monday to friday) column b contains the type of activity planned taken from a set of data values. e.g and is in a...
  9. S

    removing the end full stop from a paragraph of text within an excel cell

    great stuff. works a treat thanks for the help.
  10. S

    removing the end full stop from a paragraph of text within an excel cell

    Ideal for laser copying in a choice of popular colours.Clear wrapped in reams for ease of colour identification.Pastel assorted packs contain 100 sheets each of Cream, Green, Blue, Pink and Yellow paper.Bright assorted packs contain 100 sheets each of Yellow, Orange, Red, Deep Green and Blue.A4...
  11. S

    help needed in getting values to end in 0,5 or 9

    Hi all thanks very much for the help provided, works like a treat!! thank you all
  12. S

    help needed in getting values to end in 0,5 or 9

    have a table of prices which are formatted to 2 decimal places and want the end digit after the decimal to end in either 0, 5 or 9. eg. 1.87 = to change to 1.89 1.32 = to change to 1.35 1.00 = stay the same 1.16 = to change to 1.19 anything ending 0,5 or 9 stays as is, anything ending in...