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  1. S

    SumIfs with a NOT

    Plz Check : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlMNziTCmrQIdEhyQUJIODZoTTRMRVBWbk1LWHpMTWc Hope this will help, if i get your problem correctly
  2. S

    Data Validation

    if you use =isnumber(Cell number), then it VALID only for NUMBER [by default, it take the Boolean value as TRUE], so you validate the cell for only NUMBER by yourself. So why it VALID anything other than NUMBER?
  3. S

    Transposing multiple rows into one column

    Count the number of row of data area (naming as "mydata"): =ROWS(mydata) [assume @ A6] Count the number of column of data area (naming as "mydata"): =COLUMNS(mydata)ll [assume @ B6] To get the row and column number matrix: for ROW: Any cell (Say A8): 1 Next cell (A9)...