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Search results

  1. K

    Remove Values in One List from Another List

    Hi, I've a list of words in Col A of Sheet2 which I need to compare with list of sentences in Col A of Sheet1. If they match, that particular 'word' from the sentence should be removed. I've posted a sample here...
  2. K

    How to replace text in formulae?

    Hi Excel gurus, I've a huge formulae-embedded Excel sheet. I would like to replace some text in the formulae. Is there an easy way of doing that ? First of, is that possible at all ? Thanks much in advance!
  3. K

    How To Find Median For A Huge Data By Months

    Thanks Luke, that worked like MAGIC! :)
  4. K

    How To Find Median For A Huge Data By Months

    So, sorry about that - I couldn't past the entire link here. Here you go this time - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao7RzFobcTErdEJ1OTl2d0dWWEJxaW1CaGxQR0hzZ2c&hl=en_US LMK if you need any further details!
  5. K

    How To Find Median For A Huge Data By Months

    Hi, I've a huge data set with IDs & Spend by month & regions. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...hl=en_US#gid=0) I would like to fill the table which is to the right of the big table, information related to each of the two regions by month. Is there a formula (subtotal/sumproduct, I'm...
  6. K

    Same Fields In Filter Row Labels In A Pivot

    Hi, How can we add the same data field as both a report filter and as a row label in a pivot table. I remember doing this earlier, but for some weird reason, I'm not able to do it now. Any help? (FYI, I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows) Best, Karthik
  7. K

    How To Subtotal Weekly Data By Months

    Hi, I've a set of weekly data as shown in the doc here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?pli=1&key=0Ao7RzFobcTErdC1WbjFDVVlza29SU1ZuVE03VmlxQlE&hl=en_US#gid=0) I need a formula to fill the table that is to the right of the list with data related to that particular month and year. Any...
  8. K

    How to sort 'Values' in a Pivot?

    Hey Srinidhi, I understand this option of applying the 'Top Ten' filters is available in Pivot. But, my specific question is, is it possible to have this set by default? Everytime I refresh the pivot, it should show me only the top ten states by population. Any clue?
  9. K

    How to sort 'Values' in a Pivot?

    Hi, I've pivoted a list of states and their corresponding city population. So, the pivot has 'States' in the 'Row Labels,' and 'Population' as one of the 'Values' columns. Now, every time I open the pivot, it has refresh and sort the list of States to show only the top 5 or top 10 states by...
  10. K

    Macros to copy data from a different file?

    Hi, I've around 20 files in a particular folder on my computer, and I've a template with all the macros embedded in it. Is there a way I can go to the folder choose the first file, import it or copy the contents (just the first sheet of each file has data), paste it into my template, run the...
  11. K

    Macros to delete columns based on condition

    Hey Hui, Thanks for your reply. Actually, the doc link din't get pasted fully, i believe. It's https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao7RzFobcTErdGVQV1BYOUpTN0UxWkVzc3ZXRGtGcGc&hl=en_US#gid=0 In the meantime, I shall try out your code!
  12. K

    Macros to delete columns based on condition

    Hi, I have a file which I get every week which has upto 25 columns of data, however all that matters to me is just 4 columns of data: 'Campaign,' 'Status,' 'Budget,' & 'Cost.' (sample table can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...hl=en_US#gid=0 ) Can somebody help me with...
  13. K

    How to sort words in a cell in alphabetical order?

    Hi, I would like to sort the words in a particular in alphabetical order. For instance, I've a column full of phrases such as 'skechers womens clothing,' 'skechers clothing womens,' 'discount apparel sales,' 'apparel sales discount,' etc. Basically, I want to identify the duplicates. In the...