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Search results

  1. P

    Adding Google Maps to Dashboards

    Homsie, This is easy enough to implement, and an example of how to add a static GoogleMap is below (these instructions are for Excel 2010): 1) add a Microsoft WebBrowser to your worksheet (go to the Developer Tab, select Insert>More Controls>Microsoft Web Browser); 2) add a link...
  2. P

    Multiple Criteria Vlookup Function

    Narayan's Logic is spot on, although it can be shortened somewhat by this change: =NOT(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(E1,INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(D1,":",D1)),1,FALSE))) Not only is this a shorter formula but, because INDIRECT is a volatile function and CONCATENATE is not, the fewer uses of INDIRECT we have the...
  3. P

    Data entry forms a bit of VBA

    You have a couple of options really, you can use an If..ElseIf..End If set-up or a Select Case set-up, which may be easier for what you want, as there are oddities involved in the first choice if due care isn't taken; for the Select Case just change the code as below: Private Sub...
  4. P

    Employee Evaluation Schedule

    If you just mean you want it flagged then I suggest that you start by reading Chandoo's piece on conditional formatting with dates: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/01/05/conditional-formatting-dates/ If you still need help after this, or are after something more complex e.g. auto-emails, then come...
  5. P

    Horizontal scroll w/ mousewheel...

    Well this was fun to investigate: Horizontal scrolling in Excel is not as easy as just "No". For instance, in Office for Mac, horizontal scrolling is as simple as Shift + mouse-wheel up/down which is because the Shift + scroll is a Mac OSX feature, so must be explicitly supported by Mac...