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Search results

  1. M

    Date and time format

    Hi, I would use "Text to columns" twice. First - with space as separator, which divides your string into two columns: date (still string) and time (already converted into numbers). Second - with setting that converted values are supposed to be Date in order DMY or MDY (it depends on your input...
  2. M

    Need to create separate time series from a large single one

    A pivot table could be a solution (maybe with additional columns with date only and hour only)
  3. M

    Help needed

    Hi, Probably the easiest way to solve your problem is to use two series of data in additional columns. Lets say you have dates in column A and values in column B. In column C use formula =IF($A2<=TODAY(),$B2,NA()) and in column D use =IF($A2>=TODAY(),$B2,NA()). Then use columns C and D...
  4. M

    Select all images delete

    Hi, you can try to use GO TO (menu Edit or Ctrl + G) -> SPECIAL -> OBJECTS. It selects all drawings (but also buttons etc)
  5. M

    Extract digits before the decimal point.

    I think, that text formulas can be useful in this case, for instance: =TEXT(A3,"000000000.00;000000000.00-;000000000.00") will turn numbers into text of constant lenght with leading zeros, the only exception will be negative numbers with "-" added at the end.
  6. M

    Format a number into the French format

    Go to menu Tools->Options ->International and there set decimal & thousands separators
  7. M

    String to Rev-string in Excel or VBA Code

    Basavaraj, what exactly do you need? Do you already have a Userform with textboxes? Do you want to modify one of them? Or are you planning to create a new userform? Or do you need to add some code to your project? Do you need more than: Textbox2.text = StrReverse(Textbox1.text)
  8. M


    Hi, there is a simple way to copy a formula to blank cells in column B. 1. Input into B1 a formula "=IF(C1>90,"OVERDUE 90 DAYS","")" 2. select B1 and press Ctrl + C 3. select column B 4. choose menu Edit -> Go to -> Special -> Blank and click OK 5. Paste Or look here...
  9. M

    Creating Custom Function in Add-in

    Hi, check security level applied to your Excel - if macros are disabled, UDF does not work: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/change-macro-security-settings-in-excel-HP010096919.aspx
  10. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello, my name is Magda, I'm from Poland. I work as an accountant, but also I make some financial analysis and business plans. Excel - initially just a useful tool - became my hobby, when I found a great polish forum: http://www.excelforum.pl/ (unfortunately most of you can't understand polish...
  11. M

    String to Rev-string in Excel or VBA Code

    Asa, great work! On the other hand - it hard to imagine reason why the CONCATENATE was not improved...
  12. M

    String to Rev-string in Excel or VBA Code

    Hi Asa Everytime I tried to use CONCATENATE as an array formula, it didn't work (Ex 2003). For instance array formula "=CONCATENATE(A1:A4)" does not display an error, but result is only text from A1. Your impressive formula works great, but the problem is in combining values from array into...
  13. M

    String to Rev-string in Excel or VBA Code

    As Excel text formulas don't accept array argument, VBA function StrReverse(text) seems to be the solution. For instance sth like this: http://www.bettersolutions.com/excel/EIK284/LR521811611.htm Btw. have you tried to ask Google? It knows some 5,700,000 answers for "excel string reverse"
  14. M

    Count and Sum Simultaneously ( even in filtered rows)

    As I don't know which number format is proper to you, here is the code which displays sum & average in format of active cell: Sub StatusBar_Show() Dim SUM As Single Dim AVERAGE As Single Dim COUNT As Single Dim SUM1 As String Dim AVERAGE1 As String Dim Format As String Format =...
  15. M

    How to draw a polygon in a graph without using VBA

    Hi Shading of a polygon is just automatic excel color for this kind of chart. The only "trick" in this chart is tuninig off color of area below the polygon - right click on the area and select "none" for area color. Or make visible a charting toolbar , select "Serie 2" and set its Properties...
  16. M

    Count and Sum Simultaneously ( even in filtered rows)

    try this code: (needs to be pasted in worsheet code) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.COUNT < 0 Then Call StatusBar_Show Else Call StatusBar_Clear End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Call StatusBar_Clear End Sub Sub...
  17. M

    How to draw a polygon in a graph without using VBA

    Hi Rob, Have a look https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=f13739371fd5db72&resid=F13739371FD5DB72!103 Edit: to have a look you need to copy whole link. With exclamation and 103 at the end. Chandoo's site is great, but this forum's script is a little bit annoying.
  18. M

    How to draw a polygon in a graph without using VBA

    Hi, Rob! You need just a chart for your "envelope": 1st column with sieve grading 2nd - values of lower limit of envelope 3rd - difference between lower & upper limit then create a chart - layer & cumulative format 1st series so it has no filling use grading as category axis etiquettes...
  19. M

    empty rows

    Hi! How about sorting? It also makes a contiguous list. (if you do not need to respect order or your entries are already sorted)