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  1. D

    Highlight the formula references to a cell in other worksheet

    Thanks for Sharing, it is really helpful. I have one more question related to this. If we have referred more then once a cell (i.e., in cell A1, b1+b2+b3 (or) sheet!c1+sheet!c2+sheet!c3) to a formula, how to select all those multiple cells with a shortcut key. Thanks-Sekhar
  2. D

    Highlight the formula references to a cell in other worksheet

    Hi, I have data in two sheets and i put some formulas in sheet1 by refering some cells in sheet2. Can i select all those referred cells in Sheet2 (where the cell i got result by refering cells in sheet2) with any keybord shortcut or is there any tip for this. Thanks-Sekhar
  3. D

    Converting data from horizontal to vertical

    Hi SirJB7, Please download the file in the following link and run the two macros, so that you can easily understand what he actual requirement is. Please run the macro as per below sr.no: 1. Transfer data 2. Copydatawithout headers...
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    Converting data from horizontal to vertical

    Hi SirJB7, I have just provided the macro which i'm using right now to finish my work, but it is not the benchmark. You can do what ever the easy way you feel to get the output as you shown in consolidationNEW sheet. Thanks-Sekhar
  5. D

    Converting data from horizontal to vertical

    Hi SirJB7, I'm very thankful for your effort and time. It is perfectly fine which you prepare with help of formulas. Please check that there is any other way to do it with easy way like macros or any other procedures. I've one macro which i'm using (got it from chandoo.org), please look at...
  6. D

    Converting data from horizontal to vertical

    Hi Hui, Thanks for your fast reply. We cann't change any data in Data sheet of the attached file. We need to convert data like format showing in the consolidated sheet (i.e., Particulars+410 cost centre including debit,credit and Closing balance. Below 410 cost centre - Particulars+513 cost...
  7. D

    Converting data from horizontal to vertical

    Hi, I'm trying solve this problem since five days but i didn't get correct solutions for this. Here we have two sheets, one is the data which i downloaded from software. Second one is format which we need to convert the data in the first sheet. I need to convert the data in the first sheet...
  8. D

    Macro to Copy and Paste from one sheet to another sheet

    Hi, Thanks for all experts to the above info. I just need small changes in the macro of Mr. Luke The macro is coping one specified range. Please modify little bit and add some loop for me as per the following info. I have one worksheet (sheet name: data) contains 100 columns. I need to...
  9. D

    How do i stop opening a blank workbook while opening the existing workbook

    Hi Gurus, Thanks for lot of help and sharing your thoughts through this website. I have a problem that whenenver i am trying to open a existing workbook, it is opening along with a new workbook. I don't know what is reason behing this. I am using excel 2007 on Windows7. Please help me...
  10. D

    need to develop a macro or simplify the process

    Hi, Thanks for the all help i got from here. I have uploaded a workbook, which contains data downloaded from my accounting package, formulas and final output. Following is the link........ https://dl.dropbox.com/u/86812629/test1..xls Please check column H,I,J,K in test worksheet and...
  11. D

    develop a process from Unformatted data

    HI, We got lot of help form this website. We should thankful to all experts who are delivering their valuable ideas here. I have just posting some data here, can any body please try to develop some process. If it is possible, it' very useful to me. Please check attached file in the...
  12. D

    copy down based on next column value or criteria

    Hi, I have a worksheet containing 1000 columns with lot of data. The data in worksheet as follows.. AB (columns) (1,2,3,4 is rows) 1 Voucher No Narration 2 001 testing for excel 3 4 5 002 sales in south division 6 7 8 9 10 003 sales in north...
  13. D

    insert rows based on cell value or cut copy paset based on the another column ce

    Hi, I have data in on worksheet as following.. columnA columnB 1 11 test1 2 test2 3 13 test3 4 5 6 7 14 The result should be following manner.. columnA columnB 1 11 test1 2 test1 3 13 test2 4 test2 5...
  14. D

    open pdf files in folder based hyperlinks in excel rage and save to a folder

    Hi Narayan, You are right, each and every file has started with the unique ID of the vendor ( as mentioned in the previous post). Thanks-Sekhar
  15. D

    open pdf files in folder based hyperlinks in excel rage and save to a folder

    Hi, I can give you the file names as ........... AAACB2894G_FORM16A_2012-13_Q1 AAACC4175D_FORM16A_2012-13_Q1 AAACD2145G_FORM16A_2012-13_Q1 and so on...... Thanks-Sekhar
  16. D

    open pdf files in folder based hyperlinks in excel rage and save to a folder

    Hi Asa, Thanks for reply. The problem here is, there is no way to find out the file of a particular vendor. The file names are saved with a unique ID of Vendor. For example, I have a vendor called ABC Company. If we want to save the above vendor file into a seperate folder, we need to...
  17. D

    open pdf files in folder based hyperlinks in excel rage and save to a folder

    Hi, I have 750 pdf documents of my company's barnches. I need to seperate all those pdf documents branch wise. For that we need to open those pdf files through excel hyperlinks and save in folder (opened files). Please help me out on this. Thanks-Sekhar
  18. D

    match two values in two ranges_lookup formula

    COL A COL B COL C COL E COL E COL F 1 dept a/c code Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 2 123 500123 10 10 10 3 456 500124 11 11 11 4 789 500123 12 12 12
  19. D

    match two values in two ranges_lookup formula

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for your quick reply....... There is no date in column A, it's just row number for ref. in cell C2 is matcing criteria of headers (here it is Apr1-11). the overall creiteria here is.... We need to match with dep and a/c code for apr-11. The result should be 10...
  20. D

    match two values in two ranges_lookup formula

    Hi, Can any one help me out in this formula. COL B COL C COL E COL E COL F 1 dept a/c code Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 2 123 500123 10 10 10 3 456 500124 11 11 11 4 789 500123 12 12 12 =INDEX(B2:F5,MATCH(B3&C3,B2:B5&C2:C5,),MATCH(C2,B2:F2)) Here, we need to match A3 and b3 in col a and...
  21. D

    prepaid schdule in excel/starting date not working

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for your reply. As you said abouve 1&2 points are OK. Third point is #of Months (no of months is calculation from satart date - end date, which is entered manually) Start date and end date should enter. The criteria is-- I have paid an amount of Rs.1000 to MR. A in...
  22. D

    prepaid schdule in excel/starting date not working

    Hi, I am working on the same thing since two days, bur i cann't find a solution for this. Here my requirement is to distributr the amount based on the START DATE AND END DATE. Following is the example....... paid exp payable #of Mon START END 01/01/11 01/02/11 01/03/11 01/04/11...
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    10399 Result 10400 1ADVANCECOMP10399/10400/10401/10405/10624/10625/10626/10627/106 30/10631/10657/10658 10401 1AIRCON 11240 10405 1AMSTAR 10145/10689 10624 10625 10626 10627 10630 10631 10657 10658 1ADVANCECOMP 11240 1AIRCON 10145 10689 1AMSTAR 1APIICL 11014 1BHARTI31...
  24. D

    sumif index match multiple columns

    Hi, I have problem with sumif,index and match formula. My data is as follows V.No. Particulars Debit Credit Category 1 test1 55 AP OFFICE 2 test2 60,000,000 CONTRA 3 test3 5,126 AP OFFICE 4 test4 120,603 TDS 100000 TDS Here we are using the sumif,index and match formula...
  25. D

    contiue sum based on a row and header

    Hi Luke, Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the confussion. 1. Each employee comes under different dep (like 115,181,191). We need to get unique depts from the list. Finally..... We need Basic for all depts Like.... Dept Basic BasicCode 115 10 511001 115 10 115 10 181...