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  1. N

    Running Total

    Hi all, I was hoping someone is done something like this before and can share with me. I have a file that gives me time log information (300 people several lines per day). For instance, Peter worked: Monday 8 AM - noon = 4 hours Monday 1 PM - 3 PM = 2 hours Peter was supposed to work 8 hours...
  2. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, I was able to fix the formula issue thank you but now I have couple of problems. 1) when I run the delete macros it gives me a bug. 2) the size of the document since I have to email it to a lot of people a smaller size will do it. I did what you suggested. I deleted the invalid...
  3. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks for the change and the instructions, it was very helpful. I got a question for you regarding a freak of nature. For some weird reason when I run the macro I get an error on a formula that is working well at first. I only get an error on the last part of the formula for the...
  4. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, I moved the button but when I did so I lost the functionality. The macro seems to be runing in current tab "Input" as opposed to the original "data dump" I was also wondering if you could help me with my formula in column n. I am getting an #NA error, I tried fixing it by...
  5. N

    Flag Data Added to Your File

    Hi Narayan, I finally figured out what you meant. The file is working beautifully thanks to you. I really appreciate your help. NN
  6. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    SirJB7, Well, I am breaking the rule with the auto delete rows file. Just one more favor. I want to move the the macro buttom but I just can't figure out. Can you help me with that or give me instructions on how to do it? Thanks, NN
  7. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    SirJB7, Thank you so much! It works great and I don’t have any more changes. Yehhhhh!!!!! I am amazed on how you combined the two macros and made worked. The auto copy formula macro is a great addition and it works better than a table. It is like magic you paste or enter your information...
  8. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Buenas Noches SirJB7, Are you getting tired of me already? Sorry to keep bothering you :). The macro to copy the formulas is not working. Did I do something wrong? I would like for the data dump tab to copy the formulas down for columns A,J,K,l,M,N. So if I enter information in row...
  9. N

    Flag Data Added to Your File

    Hi Narayan! Thanks for looking into this. I did try the formula above but I must be doing something wrong because is not doing anything. It either colors everything or doesn't at all. See my workbook. Can you look into it? Thanks NN...
  10. N

    Flag Data Added to Your File

    Excel Gurus: I have this file that I share with 40 people. The data dump has about 15 columns. The 15 columns come from a standard report. The information is considered static but sometimes we do manual adjustments by adding additional rows to the data dump. All fields are populated but...
  11. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, You guys are so funny:) Using tables is out the door. It was the opposite you convinced of my wrong table doings. Earlier you answered one of my questions regarding copying formulas to the rows below (Appreciate). So I thought screw this stupid table and use SirJB7’s macro. I...
  12. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, You guys are so funny:) Using tables is out the door. It was the opposite you convinced of my wrong table doings. Earlier you answered one of my questions regarding copying formulas to the rows below (Appreciate). So I thought screw this stupid table and use SirJB7’s macro. I...
  13. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi Dr. SirJB7, I noticed that you helped so many people. I am sure everyone appreciates that. Once I have deleted the unecesary tab, this is what I do: 1- Create a table. I remove the filters. Select columns a:p rows 1 & 2. Once this info is selected I go to the insert tab and select...
  14. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, I decided to go with your version and not to mess with my evil, obscure version. As you suspected I added a table so formuals and rows get copied. When I try running the macro I get the following error: Runtime error "1004' Auto filter method of range class failed. Can you give...
  15. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi Sir JB7! The macros is great it is so fast. I tested it over and over and it worked every single time. I really had a great time with it. I made a little changes in the parameter data. I linked it to the summary tab so if I change the company it will automatically change. I also...
  16. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, LOL. Don't worry about the name. That is actually funny. Yes, just two filters column A="Company Code" & I'"Inderect". It was crazy when I filter and delete it took about two minutes. If I tried to delete with the filters on it took about 12-15 minutes. I wish I would have...
  17. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB&! Thank you so much for your help. It is so cool. I tried running it and it takes a little bit. I compered it to what I do manually and realized that I do a two sorts one to delete the company not selected and one to delete the indirect items. Other wise it takes a really long...
  18. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 I was wondering if you were able to open my file. Thanks, NN
  19. N

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi everyone. I have been following Chandoo for a really long time. I just had the chance to join the forum and am loving it. I did a posting last week and people replied so quickly. I want to say thank you and introduce myself. My name is Noah and I am a finance person. I don't have a lot...
  20. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving a hand with this macro. I really think that it would be a really nice thing to have. Thanks, NN
  21. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks for the tip. I have uploaded my file. In my file I have two tabs. 1) data dump 2) data dump two. I included arrows to show the columns that I am filtering on. The data dump 2 includes the end result. Thank you for your help. NN...
  22. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi Bobhc! That is exactly what I am talking about. Do you, SirBJ7, or Kuldeep can share code with me? I will be happy to share my book with you to give a better idea of what I am trying to accomplish. Thanks, NN
  23. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi Bobhc! Yes, that is what I normally do but because I do it for 24 companies twice a day it can get really heactic. The worst is when I send the file to others. You won't believe all the issues and tie-out problems. If a macro could allow me to select a company delete all other companies...
  24. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Do you guys know how I can attached a file to this post
  25. N

    Auto Delete Rows

    Hi SirJB7 & Kuldeep, This is so awesome! How did you come up with this? Thanks for the tip. I really enjoyed it! My problem is a bit different. Let’s say that I get a file from my supervisor every day with sales data from every country, but I am only interested in the US, UK, & Canada. I have...