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Search results

  1. J

    power point and excel question

    Hi, Great! Thanks a lot! @Narayan: my email id is jagmohan [dot] nanaware [at] gmail [dot] com. It will be a great help if you can send me the excel file. I will be able to make the modifications to the code. #SirJB7: Where and how can I upload the powerpoint and excel templates...
  2. J

    power point and excel question

    Hi, I think I am asking the question to right forum. Reference: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/03/create-powerpoint-presentations-using-excel-vba/ My question is reference to above link. 1. I am preparing sales collaterals. One common requirement I have from engineering team is case...
  3. J

    Gauge Chart: Sharing my template

    Hi, Perhaps my first posting. (I have asked many questions, but posting something for the first time.) I hope, I am not making any mistake while doing so. Gauge Charts did fascinate me from the first time I saw and used. I wanted to create a template that will explain as well as provide a...
  4. J

    Cell reference instead of value in the COUNTIF?

    Does this work for named formulas or range also?
  5. J

    Problem with named formulas

    Hi, Thanks Luke! Missed to mention in my post. Dollarizing the cell reference used in the formula solves the problem. But then it certainly loses the flexibility. The solution you suggested is also really nice one. regards, Jagmohan
  6. J

    Problem with named formulas

    Hi, I am using named formulas in my excel. Ofcourse, I am new to it. Here is the problem I am facing: 1. I have a formula that does not use any cell reference e.g. DateOfFirstDay = DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()),1) This works perfect as there is no cell reference. 2. I have another...
  7. J

    2x2 charts

    Hi Hui, More or less that is what I need. But more precisely the chart in attached file is what I need. (I have hand drawn it and it is not using excel chart!) https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3q8UMRZP1IGZjNkYzljM2EtNmFiNi00M2FhLWJlOWQtN2U2MWQzMDBmZGYx&hl=en_US&authkey=CPL2goAO regards...
  8. J

    2x2 charts

    Hi, Unfortunately, I dont think I can attach a file to mail or copy paste a picture here in the posting and hence cant show you the kind of chart I am looking for. But let me try to explain. 1. Let's say I am trying to evaluate my projects based on 2 parameters - complexity (high Vs low) and...
  9. J

    2x2 charts

    Hi Hui, Bubble charts can not be combined with other chart types :-( Besides they do not have 2x2 property. e.g. I can not mark the axis with "low", "high" kind of lables. And hence call for help! regards, Jagmohan
  10. J

    2x2 charts

    Hi, Any idea on plotting a 2x2 chart with area of circles in each quadrant proportional to data point. regards, Jagmohan
  11. J

    (Long Mail and too many questions): Populating database

    Hi, But no clues here at all? Is it not possible? Or is it too complicated? On a lighter note - How about some training with chandoo or daniel? regards, Jagmohan
  12. J

    (Long Mail and too many questions): Populating database

    Hi, Here are some questions. I will very glad if someone can help me here. Background: 1. Making a management review meeting template. 2. In each management review meeting, per project following needs to be done a. Capture actual cost for the current week b. Capture cost forecast for...
  13. J

    Searching in a table

    Thanks Hui! It worked. I also understood the formulae also. regards, Jagmohan
  14. J

    Searching in a table

    Hi, I am not sure how should I do this in Excel. 1. I have a 10x10 table with unique values. 2. I want to search this table for an exact match and get the value in the left(right)most column corresponding to this row. e.g. if the match is found in Column 4, Row 5 then I want value in Column...