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Search results

  1. Faseeh

    Simplify this formula

    Thomas Kuriakose You are missing the last argument of first IF that should be zero in my opinion, modified formula should be. =IF(D$10<>0,INDEX(tblP1[Price 2],MATCH('Cost Sheet Details'!$C$6,tblP1[Parameter1],0)*D10)+IF(D11<>0,INDEX(tblP1[Price 3],MATCH($C$6,tblP1[Parameter1],0)))*D$11,0)...
  2. Faseeh

    Move Row down automatic if above cell is filled with data

    You mean when you enter a data into a cell and press enter, it should move down to a lower row?
  3. Faseeh

    I would like see last entry of cell.

    can u explain a little further how it does not meet ur requirement. With this single line feedback hardly any one can suggest u a solution. Thanks
  4. Faseeh

    Schedule maximum meetings Based on available hours

    rubikscube991 Have you tried building a model and using solver?? You can use solver to decide which meeting you will be choosing and then use conditional formatting to highlight that meeting. Again case of using solver. You need to setup some criteria like importance of meeting so as to...
  5. Faseeh

    I would like see last entry of cell.

    Assalam O Alaikum, Please see attachment.
  6. Faseeh

    need dashboard idea

    Hi ushaanu, There is a dedicated section for dashboard ideas. http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-dashboards/ or simply google this site.
  7. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Ok, Please see attachment for Max and Min line at 24.2 and 50.4..
  8. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Please see sheet 2 of attachment. I think what is still required is an hourly time line on x-axis. But partly the requirement is fulfilled.
  9. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Hi carics, Glad to know that it was finally one that you wanted. Please see this, it is ur file. If it is ok then i will tell how to do it. Its very simple.
  10. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Please see attachment. If that is not correct i will request you to draw one using paper and pencil and post the picture. Thanks.
  11. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Hi carics, Please see attached file, if it meets the requirment.
  12. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    What i understood from your post was that you have multiple values that you want to plot on a single date showing max, min and some other values in between for a date. The ideas is similar to plotting stock values (a stock chart in other charts) like max, min and values, opening and closing...
  13. Faseeh

    IF ... Then formula ?

    Hi Anthony, Can you upload a sample file?
  14. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Hi carcis, Please see attachment.
  15. Faseeh

    Sumifs across several columns

    You are welcome.
  16. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    @carics, Have you tried Hui's tips?
  17. Faseeh

    I'm trying to create multiple choice questions

    Hi @DawnM, Why don't you try Google Forms, you can create the forms in simple steps and you get your data in spreadsheets? Just a suggestion.
  18. Faseeh

    Sumifs across several columns

    Please try this if it works, i have not physically counted cells: =SUM((DATA!$A$2:$A$1739=Sheet1!$E$2)*(DATA!$B$2:$I$1739=Sheet1!$D$4)*1) Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to execute.
  19. Faseeh

    Sumifs across several columns

    Hi James, Your attached file has data that is not numeric, how will sumif it?
  20. Faseeh

    line chart - time format

    Can you please upload a sample file
  21. Faseeh

    5 years sale comparision

    5 Simple Rules to make Awesome Charts: http://chandoo.org/wp/2013/08/29/rules-for-making-awesome-column-charts/
  22. Faseeh

    5 years sale comparision

    You have already made a chart. What is problem in that?
  23. Faseeh

    Better alternative to MS Excel

    Harry0, I think one can use Liber Office or Open Office. Most of the time we feel strange while using a product for the first time, then we get used to it. Few days back i visited this link, there are many more like this one available on google...
  24. Faseeh

    How use picture in cell as content.

    Hi Younous, Please see this post: http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/paste-a-picture-on-selecting-a-name.22186/#post-134839
  25. Faseeh

    MEDIAN=Find the extra number, to get the desired result.

    Dear Bines, Can you give me a solution to the set of data with working logic for it. I can try, and hopefully provide you with a formula. Not much details, just an expected answer and its working logic for the result.