hi all experts,
i have written a macro which is working properly when I run it manually.
it is a formatting related macro.
I want to run this macro automatically when some cell value change.
Help required.
hi experts,
I have a workbook in which one part of one excel sheet contains formulas.
I want to protect such cells so that it is not visible to users of that workbook.
Is there any way to do this?
Hi all experts,
I have an excel sheet with 4 columns: student type, gender, area and marks.
this sheet contains multiple records in random order.
student type can be G / P / T etc.
gender is M / F
area is U / R / L etc.
And 4th column is marks.
Now I want to find out maximum and minimum marks...
Hello all,
I have created a blank table with some border patterns in one excel sheet called "format".
I have one another excel sheet in same workbook with same format of border patterns called "data". But this sheet contains data.
Now I need to move data from some cells to other cells. And...
Thanks smallman.
It worked. Can you tell me where should i post above code in my excel file, if I want to use this logic?
And after generating multiple sheets, I want to remain in title sheet. here in your logic, cursor goes to last sheet.
Hi experts,
I have one worksheet named title in which 10 cells (C1 to c10) are given to teachers to fill titles of subjects. Depending upon requirement, teacher may use any number of cells from c1 to c10 to enter titles.
Also, teacher is given another worksheet called data which contains format...
Sirji, I read your post in reply of my problem. Please refer following link bcoz the problem not solved yet.
Hi Narayanji,
I have checked my file where you have applied some formula.
Sirji, I am not good at excel formula so I am trying to understand the formula.
But sirji, there is one problem in output.
If we take top 50 scorers who have given answer 1 or 2 and
if we take top 50 scorers who have given...
Hi Luke M,
I am attaching my excel file with this for your reference. My file contains 2 sheets. Data and analysis.
Data sheet contains feedback of 315 customers. I do not want to perform sorting on score.
But I want to calculate total number of customers who have given answer 1 or 2 and total...
Hi experts,
I have one excel sheet containing feedback of 400 customers who have filled a questionnaire of 50 objective questions. Each question has 5 columns against the question. Customer will tick mark in one of the column.
I have entered data in excel sheet.
Cell B1, C1, and so on...
Hi experts,
I have on excel sheet which contains feedback data of around 400 customers. Questionnaire of 50 objective questions was distributed to customers. For each question 5 objective answers were there. Based on answer following excel sheet created:
Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 upto Q-50 Score
Hi experts,
I have numbers 1 to 360 in column A of sheet 1. 0ther columns contains some data.
Now I have one another sheet - sheet 2 which contains a column j having some selected values
like 1, 4, 7, 18 etc. These values are between range of 1 to 360.
Now I want to highlight values of column A...
Hi SirJB7,
I copied the file and tried to insert new dates with subject.
But the list is not being updated automatically.
Column C contains fixed kind of formula.
What will happen if one date contains more than two subjects?
I think column C and D formula will not work at that time...
Hi Luke M,
Codes of column is are fixed: English, Science, Art, Maths, Sociology and Craft.
Well, addition of new codes is one possibility.
As I do not know much about VB macro or UDF, so formula based solution will be better for me.
Hi Excel experts,
I need your help.
I have column A containing different dates. These date are unique dates but these dates are available in scattered cells of column A. Means there can be one or more blank cells between two dates.
Now column B contains codes like Maths, English or Science...
I have a table of 20 rows and 2 columns.
User will fill data everyday in this table. It depend on user that how many rows he/she will fill. But it will not go beyond 20 rows.
For e.g
I want to generate concatenated list at bottom of table like...
I want to know the difference between form control and Activex control. I have a code which is required to be executed when a button is pressed.
I am confused which one to use and why?
Is there any difference between their usage? Which control needs macro to be associated with it?