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  1. L

    How many functions do you know?

    Well my list is 0, I never get to use them consistently so always have look them up every time I need to do something new. Just wish I worked with excel all the time.
  2. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Success at last! It was the Trust access to the Project Object Model that did the trick. Thank you very much for all your help everybody. Sorry it dragged on a bit. :)
  3. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi SirJB7 After I entered the first row I got Run-time error 1004 "Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted" After the second line was entered I got Run-time error 1004 Application-defined or object defined error. After the third line was entered i got the same error as...
  4. L

    Controlling User Input

    User forms are easy to make and great for imputing data into the correct places.
  5. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi SirJB7, I now have the Cmd button sorted and the macro runs from it ok but I still do not get any counts of the user forms. If I run the macro from the code area I can see it going through the files and forms but I am not getting a count of the user forms. I get a pop up message in the middle...
  6. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    OK, Thanks, I will give it a go. Getting late here so will report back tomorrow, Cheers.
  7. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi, I guess it doesnt work with 2003 then. Thanks for your help I will just have to do it manually, Cheers Lymm
  8. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi NARAYANK991, are you using excel 2003? Did you see my file? Thanks Lymm
  9. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    If you check the file I posted the results are there. I just ran the code from the macros list, no user forms were listed.
  10. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi This is my resulting file using the macro and it doesnt seem to find user forms. Cheers Lymm http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20269099/FindUserForms2.xls
  11. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Thank you Hui and SirJB7 I will keep trying. I think it needs adapting to work fully with excel 2003.
  12. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Sorry I could not open the rar file. I have tried running the macro on a folder i know has userforms in it but it does not list the forms.
  13. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Thank you SirJB7, The macro is finding and listing all the sheets in the files in the active folder but I am not getting any modules or userforms listed. Do I need to change the code to work with excel 2003 ie excel 11??
  14. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Hi SrJB7 I found the code and clicked on run. (It does not run from the button, but I can probably fix that.) Lots of scary processing went on, I think it worked. I am about to check. Thank you. How do I tell it which folder to process. It has processed one folder called "ExcelStuff", not sure...
  15. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Wow, thank you very much. I cant wait to try it. Will it work with excel 2003? The comand button does not seem to have any related code?
  16. L

    How do I find files which contain user forms.

    Over the years I have made various user forms which I havent used for a while and dont remember which files they are in. I am using excel 2003 on win 7 Is there any way of listing the files which contain user forms. I am going to make a new user form and would like to incorporate some of the...
  17. L

    VB form Script needed

    Hi, are the persons A,B,C the supervisors?
  18. L

    Mistake in my code to copy from sheet TextData1 to sheet TextData2

    Thank you very much I think this is what I need.
  19. L

    Mistake in my code to copy from sheet TextData1 to sheet TextData2

    Hi I am using XL 2003 and wish to copy and transpose 10 rows of data from a list on sheet 1 to the next empty row on sheet 2. Here is my code that dosnt work. Sub Sheets("TextData1").Range("A1:A10").Select Selection.Copy Sheets("TextData2").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Offset(1...
  20. L

    Merry Xmas

    Ha Ha, not even Xmas slows down the excel enthusiasts, merrry xmas to all.