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Search results

  1. C

    Set advanced autofilter to paste to end of list

    I am using the advanced filter to extract data to a worksheet. I need this data to come from various sheets - so thought this might work (i'm sure there is another vba way - but i'm a newbie) - if I can get the CopyToRange: to paste the data at the end of the list - Is this possible? So SCH6...
  2. C

    Code to Loop down Column and copy range to another worksheet

    Can you suggest / point me in the direction of data from multiple sheets to one sheets. I have Sheet1 / Sheet2 / Sheet3 The data range is in the same place in each sheet - potentially any row from D5 to D11 If in Column D the Row = "R" then I need to copy from that cell - six columns across...
  3. C

    Sheet Name keeps adding to Named formula

    I have a worksheet "SCH5" that I have created to serve as a template - so that I can copy and rename for further SCH'S" within the workbook. I have tried to create a named formula in SCH5 - "FRMStatus" -...
  4. C

    Code to Loop down Column and copy range to another worksheet

    Hi Vijay I need to copy only the range AA:AG on the row that has a "1". Thanks DK
  5. C

    Code to Loop down Column and copy range to another worksheet

    I have a worksheet (Sheet3). On this is a range - Z11:Z386. Certain cells in this column may equal "1". Example: if Z11 = "1" then I need the code to copy AA11:AG11 to Sheet8 B3 (first data line) The loop goes all way down to Z386 and copies any rows with "1" in to Sheet 8. Any newly copied...
  6. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    This is all working fine now. Thanks [SOLVED]
  7. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    You were correct my range was a partial row. Sorry I should have been more precise. I've changed the code to and it does now insert a multiple of rows but they all become hidden? If I unhide the rows the inserts become visible? DK
  8. C

    Named Formula on Different Worksheets

    Hi Narayan I had been trying this before posting but every time I say ok to just the cell reference the sheetno is added into the refers to field? David
  9. C

    Named Formula on Different Worksheets

    I have a sheet layout that will be used for multiple sheets. I'm trying to create one master and then replicate from that and then change the new sheet name. I have a formula in Sheet1!H1 that =if(A1 = "Yes","A",""). Sheet1!H1 has been named FRMStatus I've tried creating this as a Name...
  10. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    Have amended this code but it still only inserts one line. Doesn't it need some form of loop / counter? Thanks DK
  11. C

    Code to save file with User defined Version No

    I have a budget file which has a Defined name "Version No". (Starts as 1.0 - Sheet1.A2) When the file is saved via worksheet button I need the User to be prompted to accept the current Version No or to revise the Version No. The version No is part of the filename that is saved. If they revise...
  12. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    Hi Luke Ideally I would like user to be able to insert more than 1 line - say 1-5. So if this is possible great - the previous code only seems to insert 1 even though it asks you for No? DK.
  13. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    Hi Luke I've tried to amend your code to allow me to insert a named range that consists of more than 1 row. It fell over at this line. I only want this entered once so deleted the msgbox and option to decide no. Is it because the named range is more than 1 row? If I can get both of these...
  14. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    Hi Luke Partly resolved - realised that I did not have matching range name to that used in VBA. So inserts line now. However if you request more than 1 line to insert it only appears to continue to enter only 1 line. Best regards David
  15. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    Hi Luke Thanks for this. Just tried as - get runtime error 1004 - Method 'range' of object' - global' failed. Any ideas
  16. C

    Insert row only if Column C = 0

    I am looking to allow a user to insert a row using a macro and to copy a preformatted line into that position if criteria met. The conditions to be met are: 1. The cursor can be in any column on the sheet (Sheetname CostManager). 2. The line will be inserted at the row of the cursor...
  17. C

    Insert Line based on conditions

    Sorry forgot to attach sheet
  18. C

    Vba Code to make Excel Speak - Either or Or

    Thanks Guys This works SOLVED
  19. C

    Insert Line based on conditions

    Hi All I have created an area of user input on a sheet. The user needs to be able to insert rows at valid places and need to maintain formatting/DV etc. My approach is shown is attached sheet. The grid represents the working area of an input area on a sheet. A new row can only be inserted...
  20. C

    Vba Code to make Excel Speak - Either or Or

    I have a file which when it opens I want excel to say 2 different lines of text depending if my budget is Under or Over. If Budget is Over - "D1" = 0 , if Budget is under "D1" = 1 So if D1=0 - then text in A1 is read If D1 =1 - then text in A2 is read Thanks Camman.
  21. C

    Explain Error Message

    Hi Narayan The sheet is part of a workbook that is quite customised - lots of Data validation / macros etc. This sheet 3 is probably at the heart of the workbook. Will copying it out and trying it be useful/ David
  22. C

    Explain Error Message

    I keep getting this message - can anyone explain it to me - Repaired part;/xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml part with XML error. Load error. Line 2, column 0, Many thanks CM.
  23. C

    Printing Worksheet that shows macro buttons

    Hi SirJB7 So should I be using ActiveX buttons instead of form control as the default. Thanks C.
  24. C

    Printing Worksheet that shows macro buttons

    Thank you Xiq So easy when you know where to look [Solved]
  25. C

    Printing Worksheet that shows macro buttons

    I'm designing the layout of my worksheet and it has a number of VBA macro buttons on. When I print the worksheet they don't appear on the printout. Is this possible to achieve - can't find where to make happen Thanks david