Cross post on a Dutch site with a solution made by a good friend of mine.
As attachment example with 5 userforms (working)
If you change the sheet names then you have to change that in the code of the forms, thats all.
For the rest, you can change column headers in the tables and label captions in the forms or the buttons captions in the entry sheet or the titels of...
Yes you can have multiple forms in the same workbook but the they have to have a different name.
an easy way to do this, open a new excelfile, drag that form to the new excelfile, tername the form and drag the form with the new name back to your workbook. (then you can delete the new file)
Yes, it is a table and a table is dynamic.
That is possible, in the vba editor drag the userform to another file and copy the data sheet to the this file. Then you can change the names of the column headers and the labels in the form.
Anyway we are here to help you.
I don't know ,Is this te result dat you want?
I guess that you mean with rotate ,transpose.
Maybe post a small example with the result that you want.
I do understand French
Delete all hyperlinks.
Can be done with this code in the active sheet
Sub del()
End Sub
Next put this code in the ThisWorkbook module
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
wsSheet.Visible = False...
Right click on the selected area and click Format Cells. Click the Alignment tab at the top of the pop-up menu. In the Alignment tab, open the Horizontal dropdown and select Center Across Selection. Click OK to finalize.
Without an example.
See if this works for you.
Private Sub cmbUpdate_Click()
With Sheets("Master")
iRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1
.Cells(iRow, 1).Resize(, 20).Value = Array(txtPrefix, cboStatus, txtSuffix, txtShopOrdNum...
With your setup it will take al lot of (unnecessary) coding.
You should use one userform with tabs as you can see in this picture.
Then you won't have problems with multiple submit buttons,finding the right row and any other obstacles
Something like this?
The attahment is a zipfile.
It contains the excelfile and a folder with some images.
Unzip the file and test the excel file.
In the excelfile, select a name in the combobox, the rest is filled automatically.
Change the pictures with yours, except the 2 that are named male...