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Search results

  1. koi

    pivot subtotal avg NOT EQUAL to pivot details avg

    hi SirJB, i also notice that now, if i have 10 country with only single value, then pivot subtotal avg will be same with the detail avg, however if i have 10 country but there is 1 country has double value, then the avg will be different since the division number change from 10 to 11 in...
  2. koi

    pivot subtotal avg NOT EQUAL to pivot details avg

    hi all, i have this problem and i cannot solve it, in my pivot there are 20 countries, period (jan) and value per each country when i put the period & countries in rows, and values in values.. the subtotal of period showing me 81% avg, while when i tried to combine all value from each...
  3. koi

    rank tie break using another value

    thanks Hui, thats really work to add helper in E1/1000 regards, koi
  4. koi

    rank tie break using another value

    hi all, if you have 3 different category in A1:C10 then you have the sum in D1:D10 and then rank the D1:D10 but then you have a ties rank example 1,2,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 all the rank formula i've read is using like countif but can we do it by comparing one of the value example A1:A10 or B1:B10...
  5. koi

    Error Report / Excel File is Crash and trying to recover

    hi, i also have same thing, sometimes excel 2013 crash especially in heavy workbook. when i look at the event viewer (start then type event viewer in search)..it looks like below Faulting application name: EXCEL.EXE, version: 15.0.4420.1017, time stamp: 0x50673286 Faulting module name...
  6. koi

    Complicated Pivot table

    Hi, maybe like this? http://speedy.sh/UM8bV/Copy-of-Complicated-Pivot-Table.xls
  7. koi

    pivot table drill down range auto formatting to %

    hi All, i found the solution by recording macro and browsing in google, just paste this code into "thisworkbook" and change the columns range as you like.. and in my case i need to formatted as % so you can change the formatting as you like Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)...
  8. koi

    pivot table drill down range auto formatting to %

    Hi All, i have a problem with pivot drill down, i set up that pivot using table..and inside the table i format some of the range with %. now when i double click the pivot table..drill down will appear but some range formatted in General mode, can we use macro somehow to make some range...
  9. koi

    Need client with highest premium in Pivot Table

    hi, just drop the insured parent to ROW below Account Manager, then you can right click on Bentz total and click "subtotal account manager" to remove the subtotal i think that looks good
  10. koi

    Changing Drop Down Menus

    hi, see this topic : http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/combo-box-dropdown-refer-to-another-combo-box and as debra pointed out, try and search in google for excel dependant drop down list if needed. and for automatic list you can search excel dynamic range
  11. koi

    'save' 'clear' command button in excel

    hi, welcome to the forum, maybe this is what you want (it is working perfectly, thanks to luke) http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/macro-to-copy-paste-value-from-sheet1-to-sheet2-in-empty-cell and you have to be able to have at least a bit of macro knowledge
  12. koi

    icon set 2010

    hi all, just curious if there is another way to put the icon in right of cell, i know some people will go in B1 and put =A1 and put it there.. but i really like to know if in same cell. also, is there any ways to put the formula to it? i fount put like =if not working for icon set last...
  13. koi

    Best Year/Quarter

    Hi Farouk, if you happen to have value like Hasseb file, you could pivot date & value, then right click on of the date choose group then choose quarter and years. after you did that you can right click on the pivot and choose "shot field list" on the bottom then drag years & quarter from...
  14. koi

    Chart Formating

    hi, i update faseeh file, please find it below and hope that this is what your looking for, http://speedy.sh/B5WTz/Copy-of-Chart-SplitDataLine.xlsx
  15. koi

    macro to copy paste value from sheet1 to sheet2 in empty cell

    hi Luke & howard, thanks for the solution, it works like the way i wanted regards, koi
  16. koi

    macro to copy paste value from sheet1 to sheet2 in empty cell

    hi all, i have a problem with this thing, here is the situation i have sheet1 name as "data" and has range A1:A5 and i want to assigned a button there, when we press the button, a macro will run copy paste to sheet2 name as "log" A1:A5, and if someone press the button again, it will copy...
  17. koi

    Links to diagrams from one sheet to the next

    right click on the shape, click hyperlink.. or you can left click in the shape and use shortcut ctrl+K. choose place in this document on upper left then choose sheet2, if your block in sheet2 in cell A40, then you can write A40 in "type the cell reference" then click ok
  18. koi

    excel macro to copy range or name range to powerpoint

    hi SirJB, i searched in chandoo but only found how to transfer chart from activeworksheet but this is what i found when googling..and it works except for change Myrange ="B4:BH40" question is : can we change those range to our named range? or another sheet range? i tried MyRange =...
  19. koi

    excel macro to copy range or name range to powerpoint

    hi, is there any macro that can copy excel range from named range to powerpoint as picture? i already define my name range..and has macro but then something wrong with the macro.. it keeps open and open the powerpoint again and again and i have to ctrl+alt+del to turn off excel.exe from...
  20. koi

    to : chandoo - simple chatting room

    hi chandoo, it will be nice i think if there is a simple chatting room feature here, sometimes after posting a topic, then probably we can discuss it further without keep sending new topic if only a little bit improvement also it is nice to chat with each other thanks
  21. koi

    how to list top 10 open issue based on status priority

    hi SirBJ7, yours almost correct, but then if you notice issue no 9 is not in the list, because it using the same vlookup as issue no 10, that is why i'm using Cell&Count(range,criteria) to make it unique also the priority supposed to be from H to M then L in bottom...so we will working on...
  22. koi

    how to list top 10 open issue based on status priority

    hi SirJB7, i will take a look, but now i solve it by using helper column + pivot table 1. i combine status & priority in G1 2. combine G1&count(range,criteria) so i will make it status&priority1,status&priority2 etc if there is double 3. pivot all 4. sort based on priority highest to...
  23. koi

    how to list top 10 open issue based on status priority

    please find file for better seeing this problem, and i think will involve count since if less than 10 meaning the rest of the line will be blank http://www.speedyshare.com/tzEzv/top-10-issue-list.xlsx
  24. koi

    Extract text string from in between two _ ?

  25. koi

    how to list top 10 open issue based on status priority

    hi guys, hope you're well and i want to ask how to list only top 10 issues from let say 50 issues, issue status : open, closed, ongoing priority : high, medium, low the top 10 issue list must be based on 1. looking up for high priority first..then medium then low 2. only find the status...