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  1. r1c1

    Testing Default VB Code

  2. r1c1

    Testing Default VB Code

    Yay!!! it works. Now onwards, you can just use & to post VBA Code. VB is the default code language. :awesome: Many thanks to @Hui for the suggestion.
  3. r1c1

    Testing Default VB Code

    Attempt 1 sub thisCodeShouldHighlight() Dim isWorking isWorking = true end sub
  4. r1c1

    Sequencial order

    @Cellardoor Now I understand what you mean. This seems like a feature / bug with tables. You can use worksheet_change event to update the formulas everytime someone adds data. This could prevent the mistake. There may be another way to automatically handle this, but I cant think of any right now.
  5. r1c1

    Count Numbers Vertical with total in next column

    My bingo is just as good as my tap-dancing. So I am unable to understand how the count is 2 when corresponding numbers are 9 & 9. Why is it 5 when the numbers are 8 & 8. Can you explain what is the logic for counting?
  6. r1c1

    Sequencial order

    @Cellardoor In your file there is an in-consistency in the formulas. Formula in G21 reads =TEXT(COUNTIF(H$7:H22,H21),"_00") Where as it should be =TEXT(COUNTIF(H$7:H21,H21),"_00") Once you change it, the result appears correctly. You can do this by selecting the formula cell G7 and filling...
  7. r1c1

    Welcome to two new Excel Ninja's

    Congratulations Sajan & Somendra. Certainly well deserved. I feel proud to know you both thru Chandoo.org forums. Thanks for what you do to help us all learn and use Excel better.
  8. r1c1

    Countifs - Count blanks if date populated

    Hi there... You are using wrong formula. The reasons are 2 since your data is from A3:C8, you must change references to A3:A8 and C3:C8 You need to use date column >0 (remember dates are numbers, so you cannot use *). This formula works for your data. =COUNTIFS($A$3:$A$8,">0",$C$3:$C$8,"")
  9. r1c1

    How to split alphanumeric string to two seperate columns

    Assuming the value is in A1, in first column write, =LEFT(A1,FIND("LK",A1)-1) in second column write, =MID(A1,FIND("LK",A1),LEN(A1)) and drag down
  10. r1c1

    Additional Issues Found in PP Dashboard VBA-v1

    Hi Donna, Thanks for your questions. Vijay, our tech support person will help you.
  11. r1c1

    Weight Scale Chart - FunChart

    Very creative Debraj... I will post an article with this on the blog soon :)
  12. r1c1

    New smilie added :awesome:

    Hi friends... I had a few minutes to kill. So added a new smilie. It is :awesome: You can use it by the code :awesome: :C:
  13. r1c1

    Help Needed

    Please let us know once your question is resolved so that I can remove attachments.
  14. r1c1

    Help Needed

    @rumshar Please note that you should never post real, live or actual data on internet forums. This can be a privacy issue for your employer / customers. Just a suggestion.
  15. r1c1

    Excel School Homework

    Hi there... I am sorry for delay in replying. Please accept my apologies. There are 2 types of homework / practice exercises. 1. Each lesson has a downloadable Excel workbook. You are encouraged to re-create the solution using the data in the lesson after watching the video. Although the file...
  16. r1c1

    How do you know when Luke M is 'back in town'?

    Just saw this. Congratulations Luke.
  17. r1c1

    Congratulations SirJB7 - 7000 posts

    I am outrageous... You are saying your never received your golden iPad...?!?!? I charged it thru my Diamond engraved Visa card last year. You are saying $999 monthly installment I am paying is in vain?!?! What a scam
  18. r1c1

    Count unique from 3 columns ignoring zero

    And CTRL+Shift+Enter my friend..
  19. r1c1

    Count unique from 3 columns ignoring zero

    You can if you are using Excel 2013. Follow these steps. 1. convert original data to a table (press CTRL+T) 2. Create a pivot table by going to insert ribbon. 3. During creation, check the box to add pivot to data model. 4. Add date to row labels, code to value field 5. Add Sum to report...
  20. r1c1

    Count unique from 3 columns ignoring zero

    You are welcome buddy. :)
  21. r1c1

    Count unique from 3 columns ignoring zero

    This array formula works and produces the same result as you have calculated. =SUMPRODUCT(IFERROR((1/COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$1399,F9,$C$2:$C$1399,"<>0",$B$2:$B$1399,$B$2:$B$1399)),0)*($A$2:$A$1399=F9)*($C$2:$C$1399<>0)) Make sure you press CTRL+Shift+Enter after typing it. I am sure this formula can...
  22. r1c1

    Congratulations SirJB7 - 7000 posts

    Congratulations SirJB7... It was a delight learning from you. Thanks for all the humor. May be one day I will meet you in Argentina and we will have a 6 pack.
  23. r1c1

    Is there any chance of Microsoft improving “Scroll Bar” option in future version

    I use scrollbars to scroll thru dates all the time. The trick is to use scrollbar value to offset from a given min date (in your case 41628). Since Hui and others already explained the technique, I will leave you a link with implementation. See this...
  24. r1c1

    Count number of Schools having Student Teacher ratio more than 30

    @maniknandi Please use this array formula =SUMPRODUCT((SchMCData[schcat]=1)*IFERROR((SchMCData[Tstudent]/SchMCData[Tclrooms]>30),0)) CTRL+Shift+Enter it to get the result. If you want to add any specific extra conditions to it, you can add them inside SUMPRODUCT.
  25. r1c1

    Formula/macro for calculation using First in First Out way i.e closing stock valuation using FIFO

    May be I am wrong, but seems incorrect. As of G3, we had IN 30, Out 20, In 20. So the next OUT will (Out 10) will go from Initial balance. @Suresh Please find the attached VBA solution for your problem. It uses named ranges lstIn, lstOut, lstCost to calculate the FIFO value of closing stock...