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Search results

  1. S

    Extracting / Calculating data from multiple worksheets into one Master Worksheet

    Hi SirJB7 & Suresh Thanks for the suggestion. http://speedy.sh/eAUJT/Macro-Issue.xlsx Hope it works :) Regards Srini
  2. S

    Extracting / Calculating data from multiple worksheets into one Master Worksheet

    Hi Hui Thanks for your solution. But I have 100,000 rows in each Sheet (Sheet 1 & Sheet2) with an ODBC link and I don't want to change anything in these sheets. Tried your formula myself but it is taking a long time. Instead if we have macros which might help to consolidate such data...
  3. S

    Extracting / Calculating data from multiple worksheets into one Master Worksheet

    Hi I'm new to using Macros. So need your help. I have 2 huge data files from which I need to consolidate into one. I think its better to use macros to do this for me as writing a formula and running them each time is time consuming taking into account the size of the data. Sample data as...
  4. S

    Offsetting Negative and Positive Values in Excel worksheet

    Thanks Luke & Ole for your prompt help. In my case, Ole's formula worked perfectly. Once again, thanks to both of you. Cheers!
  5. S

    Offsetting Negative and Positive Values in Excel worksheet

    Hi All, Just trying to find a way out to offset negative and positive values in a excel worksheet. I have found a lot of formulas to do that if i have 1 match for each value. However I have few different combinations as given below in a single column. -100 +100 +100 -225 -225 +225 +225...