yes i check and read this is not helping me.
i need only to change the traffic in power point and let him take the same graph in the same sheets but the name of the file will be change.
for example: i have file name asaf 25.11 and i have a lot of information going into power point. now i make...
i dont know why, but when i run the macro it giving me eror "subscript out of range"
i put numbers in cells a1,a2 and trying to compare to cells in c1,c2
and its not working. i know it should be very simple code.
please help me i need to run this code on 30 different ranges.
i wrote a code to check cells in range. if the cells not match then color it in yellow.
i need help just to ad to the code the order to color the code. here is the code:
Sub checkcells()
Dim cell As Range
Dim x As Range
For Each cell In Range("a1:a2")
For Each x In Range("c1:c2")
what i need to do is, to compare cells and to see if they have the same value.
this code run on cells and chek if they have the same value.
i you guys have a faster or a beter ways i will glad to a add smarter way to do this.
thanks again.
i'm trying to define macro that check cell.value and compare it to other cell.
i get an eror that object required/
please help...
Sub checkcells()
Dim cell As Range
Dim x As Range
For Each cell In Range("a1:a2")
For Each x In Range("c1:c2")
If cell.Value = x.Value Then
MsgBox o.k...
thanks for helping me'
the code is:
Sub mySumif()
Dim sumif1 As Long
Dim LookFor As Variant
LookFor = "מ.אירוח"
Set datarange = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))
Set sumrange = Range(Selection...
hui hi,
when i run your code in my data/
i get an eror 400.
i dont understand why its happening.
i cant upload the file because it confidential.
i change the integer into long its teel making me troubles.
please help
i have a little problem with excell generating information into powerpoint.
in my work i make presentation every sunday with almost the same details just replacing the name of the file.i want that after changing the file name to get inside powerpoint and change the direction.
how can i do...
hui thanks for helping me.
but the code isnt working it giving me eror after set myrange that "expected function or variable".
i have a simple code like:
sub sumrange
dim sum as integer
set myrange=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a1:b5")
for each cell in rang(myrange))...
i need the last help about this code/
i want that the range will be dinamic
instead a1:b10 make the b10=last row
how i define it?
thanks for the help with the code it working very good
hi there
i have a little problem with sumif application/
when i run the macro below i get an eror that worksheetfunction does not work with sumif. i checked in vba help called worksheetfunction members and sum if was there. i dont understnd why its not working. please help
Sub sumif1()
i know how to write half of it, what i dont know is how to tell the code to go to cell number something and delete the row.
here is what i can write:
sub checkrow
dim cell as range
for each cell in range(somerange)
if cell.value="0" then
"here i need to write the code to delete the row...
i want to write cod that make 2 things:
1. running on a range and check the cell value (i know how to do it)
2. if the cell is 0 or a number i define' then delete the row.
thanks for help its must be very simple
hi there
i want to transpose table (move axis x-becomes y and inversely)
i know that i can do it with special paste, but i want it to be dinamic.
I would appreciate your help in kind
i have seen the lesson in utube called vba crash course.
i copyied the module as is to visual basic.
the problem is that i get an eror while trying to run the code.
i add the code to the post with the debug line with three Asterisks.
i wil be glad if u cuold help me solve this, i want to...