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  1. G

    Index with queries

    further to the above excel file. If i select "FIN" from data validation, i would want only nationality Jordon or British to appear. Similarly, corresponding position need to appear say accountant and finance manager. The following formula throws "#ref" error, when i place it in name range...
  2. G

    Index with queries

    Thank you mr. Narayan. It was helpful.
  3. G

    Index with queries

    Hi, I require guidance for the attached excel file. I have details in sheet1 which has to be published in sheet 2 with index queries. say.. Note 1 - Select dept. Note 2 - Select corresponding nationality to the dept. Note 3 - Select corresponding position to the dept and nationality (a...
  4. G

    vba code for vlookup

    Hi excel experts, Is there a vba code for the following vlookup formula? IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,[Book1.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$2:$C$8,3,FALSE), ""). Regards, ganeshm
  5. G

    if condition formula error

    At first i was wrong, then rectified the formula. The sheet is working with the below formula =IF(E3<=1000,1000+(D3*50),IF(E3>1000,1000+(D3*50))) solved.
  6. G

    if condition formula error

    further to the above formula i have the following queries: clmn D clmnE clmnF no.ofyrs amt prop. amt 5 800 1250 for 1 yr of service 50 inccrase 1000 is the base now if a person draws 800, should get 5*50=250 plus 800 which amounts to 1150...
  7. G

    if condition formula error

    Hi excel experts, i receive "true" when i input if condition. Kindly rectify where the exact error is. Actually 1000 is common in "column F" of the cell. regards, ganeshm
  8. G

    how to edit title of the thread

    Hi all, Is there a way to to change or edit the thread name, so that others understand the content / posting.
  9. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    @ganeshm Thanks deb. In fact, i tried changing the name soon after SirJB7 intimated me. But i didn't have the option to do so. Next time, i will.
  10. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    If Lookat:=xlWhole is executed, Else condition is not working in the sheet.
  11. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    Thanks marc, Thank u Deb... Solved.
  12. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    hi deb, There is a slight problem with the Excel sheet, (highlighted in yellow). When the badge no. is entered in "e2", say 329 - the corresponding data is not shown. It gives data of 104329, which is wrong. Is there anyway, i resolve this? It happens to all 3 digit and 6 digit nos. for e.g...
  13. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    @SirJB7 Got that, thank you for correcting.
  14. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    Solved. Thanks Deb. Actually, i missed this (c * 2) logic.
  15. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    Here i have posted the excel file..... so that u have a clear idea
  16. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    hi deb, I tried retrieving values by leaving a row after other. But i receive the values in the very next row (like E5,E6,E7, etc...) For instance, when i retrieve - i want the values to display in "E5" , "E7", "E8" something like that. Is here the change i have to make - Set found =...
  17. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    Thank you, it works.:)
  18. G

    Change of Sheet Name

    Below is the formula for a sample work book having sheet names - sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, sheet4 respectively. If i change the name of the sheet to depts. say ADM, PRC, HSE; i receive debug msgs. I believe highlighted places are the reason for the debug msg. Kindly, review and assist me in...
  19. G

    Columnwise vba lookin values

    hello excel experts. Below is the sheet1 look alike - Sheet1, looks like - .......A B D E F 1 2 Model No: 3 yellow phone 1500 Sheet2, looks like - ........A B C E 1 Model No: color products price 2 1...
  20. G

    calculation of age in vba [SOLVED]

    solved. it works, now. thank for all, who contributed to this post.
  21. G

    calculation of age in vba [SOLVED]

    hi web, I believe hui "=IF(E6&#62;0,INT((TODAY() - E6) / 365.25),"") " is right. if i run macro, empty the date column it shows 113. But if i apply 'if condition' and empty the date column. It works.
  22. G

    calculation of age in vba [SOLVED]

    thanks it works great.
  23. G

    calculation of age in vba [SOLVED]

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I substituted the formula. I am unable to get the result. Below is the file link for your reference. http://www.adrive.com/public/n82xpD/Staff Details format.xlsm Is it possible to show result in F6 only when input is given in E6. Otherwise, F6 should...
  24. G

    calculation of age in vba [SOLVED]

    how do i calculate age in dd/mm/yyyy format through vba code considering A1 is my input cell. rgds, ganeshm
  25. G

    Need to retrieve data and update the cell

    How do i retrieve data from sheet 2 to sheet 1 and change the cell value. after changing it, i would like to post it back to sheet 2. Below is the file link attached for your reference. It shows error when i execute the formula -...