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  1. G

    Language Translation

    select a cell and then navigate to the Review tab and select Translate, to get the desired language.
  2. G

    need simplified Cumulative total with if condition

    thank you very much.... it works. regards,
  3. G

    need simplified Cumulative total with if condition

    Hi all.. i have posted excel file with if condition calculating cumulative total. I request u to assist me in finding out cumulative total with other formula, just in case if i have to use 12 months. Currently... the excel file holds only 3 months. Formula will be long,if i keep adding months...
  4. G

    match and lookup diff clm with two diff. criteria

    thank you hui, thank you very much, solved. thank you bob, as advised by both of you i have unmerged the cells and now it is working. I didn't know that i have to use 1. MATCH($G$3,Sheet2!$B$4:$B$26,0),2 (where 2 denotes to column). thanks i learnt today something specific in Match...
  5. G

    match and lookup diff clm with two diff. criteria

    hi... i am trying to vlookup and get the matching date in the corresponding column. I am able to match only one criteria. When i try other criteria, the result is blank. File attached for your reference.. thanks
  6. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    hi ... how do i rename the sheet in macro... ? Sheet3 as "Calendar View" and sheet1 as "Employee Leave". thanks
  7. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    thank you... and i am sorry... iam just learning the macro and codes now. Henceforth, i will read it and apply it carefully. thanks again.
  8. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    sure here is the sheet.... Please note, i am trying to lookup G2 (where badge no.= 101) not the name.
  9. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    it says run time error 92 LastRow = rng.Row i want to save it in sheet1 (where i have badge no. employee and leave balance), not in the sheet where i have the calendar. thanks in advance
  10. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    I tried but code is not matching. Actually i am trying to lookup the emp no. and match the balance leave. When i get the balance leave of that particular employee it needs to be saved in other sheet adjacent to that particular employee
  11. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    hi... pls ignore the previous attachment. Kindly advise me where i am going wrong in the code. Because if i press save button. It is overwriting the value in the 2nd sheet. But i would want to save the value to the corresponding employee, not to overwrite. thanks...
  12. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    hi somendra, i want use merge cell "AR25" instead of AZ (which i used for testing a sample data). thanks
  13. G

    lookup from one sheet and save in other sheet

    hi excel experts, i used the following code to copy data from sheet 1 to sheet 2, Sub Save() Dim LastRow As Integer LastRow = Worksheets("sheet2").Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row Sheets("sheet1").Range("H5").Copy Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(LastRow, 3) With Worksheets("sheet1").Activate...
  14. G

    Conditional formatting excel chart

    Dear Sir, Apologies... Target Actual 1000 700 10 4 60 50 0% 1 0% 2 From the above table: 1. if the "TARGET" and "ACTUAL" is same then as per the first chart, bar needs to display green. 2. if the "ACTUAL" is below the "TARGET" is same then as per the first chart, bar needs to...
  15. G

    Conditional formatting excel chart

    hi... I would like to apply conditional formatting for excel chart. I am bit confused as how to apply it for 5 factors mentioned in the chart. Which cell has to be taken to apply conditional format. Sheet is attached for your perusal. Regards, ganeshm Thread Moved
  16. G

    lookup multiple ranges & multiple sheets in a workbook

    hi... Is there anyway i can solve this multiple range lookup issue? Regards,
  17. G

    Thermometer charting woes

    hope this works. regards,
  18. G

    Thermometer charting woes

    Hi dominic, I have attached a sample file. is this what you are looking for.
  19. G

    lookup multiple ranges & multiple sheets in a workbook

    Dear SirJB7, You're right sir. My answer is "Yes" for all questions. All those 10 ranges will be fixed. Regards, ganeshm
  20. G

    lookup multiple ranges & multiple sheets in a workbook

    Hi... There are 2 sheets in the workbook which i want to link with another workbook, which will be having - BD# NAME JOB If i type BD# no. (i.e. emp. no. - "101241"), the formula needs to fetch the "name" and "job" and give result as the following: BD# NAME JOB 101241...
  21. G

    Finding a combination of numbers

    i am working on it. Will definitely reply you once it is solved.
  22. G

    Finding a combination of numbers

    i rectified and corrected the space between "I-" and "I -". I think the "#NA" is because of no value in D14.
  23. G

    Finding a combination of numbers

    the above formula when executed in cell E12 throws result #NA regards,