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Search results

  1. N

    Display Brand Based on Two conditions

    Dear Narayan Sir and Mr. Ali thanks to both of you it's working fine the only thing which is remaining is how to delete the empty cells from the column display. i have around 40 columns which either i need to sort and bring the data in first rows or i have to delete them one by one, if you guys...
  2. N

    Display Brand Based on Two conditions

    Dear Ali thanks for your reply it solved my problem, do you have any macro which can remove the empty cells from the block of 3 columns... i have as many as 40 blocks of W/H - Brands - Display and i required to keep those cells which has Brands in Display columns. thanks to let me know if you...
  3. N

    Display Brand Based on Two conditions

    Thank you very much Naran Sir, System data is on DATA sheet, and Display sheet has All the W/H with All the Brands in next column, so on DATA sheet if that brand appear with that W/H it should display name of the brand. let take example of your input if Brand CRSTFL is appearing with 100 W/H...
  4. N

    Display Brand Based on Two conditions

    Dear Ninjas and helping Gurus Good afternoon i need your help to get a formula to display Name of the Brands in column called Display in Sheet Display e.g. columns C, F & I. on sheet Data column A has Warehouse codes and column E has Brands this is coming from system. on sheet Display i have...
  5. N


    thanks for the solution Hui Sir, it's good for me to keep this for future use but currently i cant change my cell formatting to customs in my actual file this cell has the sum of invoices which we are paying in different currencies and we have huge payments to make every month cant change...
  6. N

    How do I count the rows in a spreadsheet that contain cells that are highlighted?

    Dear Narayan Sir if want to count cells which has yellow background which formula shell we use... Nadeem
  7. N


    i am really sorry Hui but I am not very advanced in excel and as long as linked you pasted to read does not gave me much clarity on the subject and excel file i could not download to understand this reference.... i really sorry to bother you again.
  8. N


    Thank you very much Hui for your review to my request, i tried to find through search box but only find solution for indian rupee and most of the solutions are based only on single currency while i am look for multi currency solution. i hope you will understand my situation and looking forward...
  9. N


    Hello all out there, I am in need of your help on covert number in english word, for reference i have attached a file in which i am trying to convert numbers which are in different currencies, into english words... i hope someone from the big gurus will help me out on this. thanks for your...
  10. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Dear Haseeb thank you so much it's work very well... thanks for your help. K Regards
  11. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Dear Sir thanks for your help, i tried on my actual file but it didnt work, it'll be great if you could please explain this formula step by step and that may help me to resolve this on my actual file. thanks once again for your precious help. Kind Regards
  12. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Dear Sir, thanks for the solution, i'll check it on my actual file and let you know... thanks for your kind help. -Nadeem
  13. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Hi Somendra thanks for your solution but i need to sum it based on two condition and one is fixed which is in Cell A1 and second one varying in columns e.g. C3 D3 and so on as the header are the same in all the files but we move them time to time on working sheet which are in purple. i hope i...
  14. N

    Hello sir, could you pls help me on my post. thanks sir,

    Hello sir, could you pls help me on my post. thanks sir,
  15. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Hello hope you are doing fine, thanks for the reply, these cells should have the sum of criteria 'F' on all the sheets X,Y,Z but under column head Actual 2010, but sir if you give a formula for 2009 column i can manage to do for 2010 column myself. thanks for your help.
  16. N

    INDEX MATCH With Sum

    Hello everyone I am back with another challenge, In attached file I have index and match function which is working fine till the time I need a specific figures to bring in sheet IS-F but now I need to sum all those numbers which are lying under 2010 and 2009 which belongs to criteria F in IS-F...
  17. N

    Unable to Work on Multiple Selected worksheets

    Hello and a very good morning I recently reinstalled excel on my laptop and since then I have a problem that I can’t work on multiple selected worksheets in a single workbook anymore, when I try to do it excel stop working and a recovery file is start generating. Usually I select all the sheets...
  18. N

    Merges multiple cells into one based on condition

    Sorry Guys, I didn't read that and really wasn't had time in the day. i'll read them now and will upload a sample file as well. thanks anyways frnds.
  19. N

    Need a Mecro to Fix my file

    Dear Frnds i need your help to fix my attached file, and i need a macro to delete all the rows based on D column and the criteria will if cell is empty, if it has "Date :" or "Qatar Lu" or "Dimensio" or "--------" or "Period" or "Ledger A". in fact i have a macro for this but it's not working...
  20. N

    Merges multiple cells into one based on condition

    hi i have a file where i have 2 sheets, sheet1 is having Data with Name, Nationality, grade achieved etc... on sheet2 have grade achieved i want in A2 cell should have all the names who achieved C1 grade. plz help or let me know if you want me to be for clearer. thanks