Oh.. Hello Key Master..
It's my pleasure that you reply for me..
I am surprised, but when i use =WEEKDAY(A1)=1 and click on APPLY button. It was showing wrong sunday. After that i have double check and it was surprising. Formula was changed it self (=WEEKDAY(A1048574)=1) after that i have...
Hello Suresh Kumar,
Please check below given link. Formula is Ok, but how can't i get result?
Thanks with Regards.
I have data in Column A,
From A4(12-Oct-11) to A346(31-Oct-12). some rows are blank in between.
A4 started date from 2011.
I have tried here =TEXT($A1,"DDD")="Sun"
But, Not get exact result. It is giving exact result in one year only.
Help me please.
Hello Narayank991,
Yes i can repeat the DATE in Sheet 2 from A2 to A26..., as you mention here. But If i am entering same formula in B6 to B25.... It is repeating the name.. It should not be repeated. If name appear once. then He would not be repeated again for that date.
Thanks Narayank991...
Hello sgmpatnaik,
Perfect.. But still want something more.. Let me try.. If i'll stuck.. then will ask you..
Sorry for given these much stress.
Thanks a lot..
Hello sgmpatnaik,
Yes, I have checked your sheet properly, it is unbeatable. but generally practice is Resource are copying old data, paste it after one blank cell, change the date, change the order numbers, batch name and size.. and start to create advrt. after that they will fill the time...
Hello sgmpatnaik,
I have upload here new files with more explanation. There is one word file with more explanation.
Thanks a lot for responding.
https://rapidshare.com/files/3322158503/DATA MERGE_1.zip
Hello sgmpatnaik,
Your efforts are excellent. Salute them, But from last 3 yrs we are using only simple sheet filling technique. Resources are filling them sheet on daily bases and i am merging them data in to one sheet. My concern was only that if i get some code which can merge data on daily...
Hello kaushik03,
In sheet2, B2 is showing Result as "Jani" but in
B3,B4 & B5 are still showing "jani"
Is there another way to exclude duplicate names from sheet1 column B in result.
Result should be in
B3 Mehta
B4 Patel
B5 Thakkar
Thanks for helping :)
Hello Friends,
Need your help for a small formula in Index and match.
In sheet 1
1-Mar-12 Jani
1-Mar-12 Jani
1-Mar-12 Mehta
1-Mar-12 Mehta
1-Mar-12 Patel
1-Mar-12 Thakkar
In sheet 2
A2 has date (1-Mar-12)
B2 has =INDEX(Sheet1!C:C, MATCH($A$2,Sheet1!B:B,0)) (Result...
Hello All, Sorry for inconvenient,
Let me explain.
In continuation of
(There are 10 people are filling one data sheet individually, At end of the day they are placing them sheet in one...
Hello Friends,
As suggested by Luke M, I have created a small macro. But now i am stuck with If condition formula. I have upload here small data with comments in sheet.
Kindly guide me.
https://rapidshare.com/files/3114425376/DATA MERGE.zip;
Hello Luke M,
This link has bulk of knowledge, but would like to introduce my self..
I am fresher for excel, VB is out of my coverage area. Is there any other way..? with simple linking or formulas?
Thanks a lot for response & provide me the excellent link, this can increase my knowledge.
I am trying to explain here my best,
There are 10 people are filling one data sheet individually, At end of the day they are placing them sheet in one common folder(share folder). After that i have to copy all data from individual sheet and have to paste in one MASTER SHEET.
Is there any way...
I have many cells, which I want to math..
If J13 can not match with J15 then J13 cell should be highlight.
How I made formula for this.. Thanks.
For further details please check uploaded file on below given link