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Search results

  1. B

    Need your help for SUMIF, LEFT, RIGHT with Name criteria [SOLVED]

    Stuck with too many formula. Not get an idea how the get the result. http://rapidshare.com/files/2467620047/SUMIF%20LEFT%20RIGHT%20with%20Name%20criteria.xlsx
  2. B

    Help for file name rename [SOLVED]

    Thanks NARAYANK991.. This is exactly same as i am expecting.. Thanks a lot..
  3. B

    Help for file name rename [SOLVED]

    Narayank991, sgmpatnaik & shrivallabha. Thanks for responding.. all formulas are working fine, but when i am adding more criteria.. it is showing #value! error. Have tried as: =IFERROR(REPLACE(A1,FIND("T.jpg",A1,5),5,"F.png"),"")*(IFERROR(REPLACE(A1,FIND("TB.jpg",A1,5),5,"B.png"),""))...
  4. B

    Help for file name rename [SOLVED]

    Hey guys. sorry.. need more help. want to add here if condition but stuck.. =IF(RIGHT(B3,5="N.jpg"),REPLACE(B3,LEN(B3)-4,5,"F.png"),"") Please guide me..
  5. B

    Help for file name rename [SOLVED]

    Thanks Shrivallabha.. Thank you so much dear..
  6. B

    Help for file name rename [SOLVED]

    How to rename 0112021317_007_T.jpg to 0112021317_007_F.png? In details: I have file name list in excel. I want to rename the file names. left sided 15 characters stays as it is but rename only last 5 digits. Help me please..
  7. B

    Text convert in date [SOLVED]

    Thanks Hui.. It is working fine...
  8. B

    Text convert in date [SOLVED]

    How to convert 020713 in 2/Jul/13 ?
  9. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    It is again worth Salute you.. Thanks Debraj..
  10. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    @ Debraj, Could you please help to SUM this, SUM of SUMPRODUCT http://rapidshare.com/files/3474248823/Monthly%20report.xlsx
  11. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    Hello Asoka, This is not getting that answer what i want. Debraj's post has given me exact result.Kindly refer it. Thanks for you nice efforts.. Regards Bhasoriya.
  12. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    Thanks Debraj,Faseeh and all, @Debraj, It is exactly that what i want... Both formulas are working perfectly... Thanks a lot from depth of heart. Thanks you all. Regards, Bhasoriya
  13. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    Good day Bobhc, Yes, it is displaying month only, but want to generate Resource monthly production based on it. If i change the month from dropdown then i can get the actual production by resource in that month.
  14. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    Hello Faseeh, There is something missing. when i change month in the sheet "Resource Monthly > Cell A1, It is not changing data as per month. I have update this formula little bit as given below. Could you please check it once? =SUMPRODUCT((LA!$C$3:$C$44=$A4)*(TEXT(LA!$B$3:$B$44,"MMM...
  15. B

    Please help me in COUNTIFS and SUMPRODUCT [SOLVED]

    Have tried had to get the result but not get yet. Please guide me what's wrong in my formula. Please check below given link for file. http://rapidshare.com/files/1513561679/Monthly%20report.xlsx
  16. B

    Help in COUNTIF.[SOLVED]

    Thanks Narayank991.. this is the exact what i want... Thanks a lot..
  17. B

    Help in COUNTIF.[SOLVED]

    Thanks Colin Legg, your idea is good. But actually, i want formula for this. I want to make merged formula and this is the part of it.. Thanks.
  18. B

    Help in COUNTIF.[SOLVED]

    In a column, there are many dates. I want to count it month wise. For example in column A: 24-Jan-13 24-Jan-13 31-Jan-13 31-Jan-13 7-Feb-13 7-Feb-13 14-Feb-13 14-Feb-13 want to count how many dates are from January, feb... Please guide me.
  19. B

    How to activate developer tab in Excel 2008 in mac?

    Did excel provide this facility in excel 2008 mac?
  20. B

    How to import data details from folder with folder structure?

    A column has file name. B column has to be folder path. For example: I have one folder, in it there are too many folder and it has files too in it. if i find as *.* in folder then i can get the all file name list, but how can i get the path details in excel? Please help me.
  21. B

    Need a macro to import multiple xml files?

    I want to import multiple xml files in to one sheet. A2 has to be file name(xml file name), B2 has to be date of file creation and time, C2 has to be folder name only(from which folder it was import) and D2 to G2 has to be the data from xml file. Each xml has 4 lines written in it and it is...
  22. B

    How to get weekdays and dates from number?

    Thanks to all for excellent response, A specially narayank991, your knowledge is excellent.. Thank you very much..
  23. B

    Ctrl + V has stopped working for some worksheets in Excel 2010

    Please close the application "skype" if you are using..
  24. B

    How to get weekdays and dates from number?

    I have created small calendar, Column A has dates, Column B has days, Column C has Weeks If i type 1 in cell E4, then F4 to F10 should haves dates from week 1 and G4 to G10 should have days(monday,tues,wed..) Please help for these formulas. For reference i have uploaded here file...
  25. B

    How to convert value in time?

    Thanks Debraj, Ultimately i get the result what i was expecting. Thanks to all for excellent help.:)