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Search results

  1. khelgadi

    Sorting of Data based on critera

    Dear Faseeh, The interpretation is correct. The results shall show list of "UP" Items. Even I was not able to put it this way to explain you. I have posted here only required columns as the actual data sheet contains almost 32 of them! Thanks for replying.
  2. khelgadi

    Transferring WorkSheets/WorkBook

    Q 1: Select each sheet by pressing CTRL key, right click and select Move/ Copy... Then select the file name you want. Q2: Can you rename the file?
  3. khelgadi

    Reminder Macro

    Prasoo : I think the link given by Luke is great and it shall solve your problem!
  4. khelgadi

    Sorting of Data based on critera

    OOPS! Sorry for that... Done the required changes. Thanks...
  5. khelgadi

    Sorting of Data based on critera

    Dear All, Please go through the attached sample file. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0W5ZzWOyj6TV0ZpYnBNVHNmNUE/edit?usp=sharing The Data sheet contains the process steps while result sheet shows the batches ( in process) at every dept. I have tried using rank command, but failed to do...
  6. khelgadi

    How do we change Sheet Name without using VB?... Might be very basic Solution...

    Thanks Oldchippy! Any other sample file on chandoo.org which demonstrates use of Indirect() function... to select sheet name?
  7. khelgadi

    How do we change Sheet Name without using VB?... Might be very basic Solution...

    @ Hui: Thanks a lot... I thought of using the same way initially. Can we use Named Range for the same? if yes how? I've never used 'Indirect()' function yet... Will try and get Back... Thanks again. @ SirJB7 : Wow! And I always thought that you people are master at Excel only! I'm a great fan...
  8. khelgadi

    How do we change Sheet Name without using VB?... Might be very basic Solution...

    Respected All... I'm stuck wid this basic prob and couldnt find better place than this... I have data table each for year 2012 and 2013. The Columns are same and on the summary sheet I want to plot graph. Considering number of reports (30+) and large tables the file size is big and i dont want...
  9. khelgadi

    How to Find Minimum maximum values based on multiple criteras

    Dear Hui, Thanks for helping so speedily..... I'd tried the similar formula... but couldnt make it. Thanks a lot dear!
  10. khelgadi

    How to Find Minimum maximum values based on multiple criteras

    Dear All, Thanks for solving my previous problem regarding filteration of data... My new query is how to find min and max value in a table based on conditions... the attached file contains the data as well as desired output http://sdrv.ms/U35g1K I tried to search the forum for earlier...
  11. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Thanks SirJB7 & Hui... I made few modification in the formula you have provided... works nice... Thanks all of you for this noble initiative...
  12. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Dear SirJB7 Thanks for the Solution... In first glance, looks fine, but lemmi check it out... Actually I'm sorry for making the confusion.... in case of the result page... When i mentioned the output, i was actually referring to the format... and not the exact tasks... I'll go through and get...
  13. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Dear Hui, Uploaded the data as required. Please suggest me the solution at earliest possible. Thanks.
  14. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Dear Hui, I have uploaded the file at http://sdrv.ms/OUjEtk 1. The first sheet contains the Entry form where different person marks the completion of their tasks 2. Sheet to should reflect to me only the tasks which are started and not yet completed 3. the format on sheet 1 can be changed...
  15. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Dear Hui, Sorry for skipping those rules.... I'll go through the rules, upload the data and get back to you.thanks though Sir!
  16. khelgadi

    Can we filter the data without using VBA and only with the formulas?

    Dear Excel gurus.... I have a specific query to be solved. I have a data in the following manner in one particular file: Monthly Payment 2012-13 Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Type Due Date Person Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 1 Salary & Wages Monthly Payment 5 GSK 1...