Thanks Ali, my comments in bold:
Two questions:
1. Why bother with codes? Surely just a drop-down list would suffice? Yes and no. Not in my situation. It will not be fast and efficient with 50 entries in the dropdown list. User will end up scrolling up and down to find the required entry...
Dear GraH - yet again you have come to my rescue. Thanks muchly. Have solved Part 2 also. I have simply applied conditional formatting in the destination cells, and volla, it works.
This works perfectly fine till 9. However, from 10 onwards, it become ambigous. I have attached file again. Please...
Please see attached.
As a sample, I have my source data in Column A and B.
Data I want to be recorded in is under Mondays to Fridays. (Columns E to I)
My requirement:
As I type Code "1" in Cell E6, it should automatically record as English.
As I type Code "6" in Cell E7, it should...
My data table has 2 date columns in this format i.e. 23/12/2015. I have created a pivot table. In the Pivot Table Fields, I have dragged all the date columns to 'Rows'.
However, in the pivot table, 1 column (Date Due) show dates though not in correct format i.e. 23/12/2015 but the in other...
Dear Peter. Thanks for giving me ideas. I have found a solution, which appears simple to a novice like me. I created a Shortcut to 'Clear' all slicers from the Analyze tab. Then I recorded a Macro using this shortcut to clear all slicers. Then I created a box and assigned this macro to the box...
Dear Peter, Thanks very much for this solution. I will try this today. UNDO stack - I agree in what you say, it will be much harder to build. Regards Tony
Dear Peter. Thank for your reply. I agree with you. Let me explain better. Scenario: Workbook has 10 worksheets. Each worksheet has 10 Slicers. 10 slicers means there are 10 search parameters. User can keep narrowing down their search using Slicers, starting with one parameter followed by...
In my worksheet (attached for quick reference), I have disabled Formula Bar and Headings (from View). This file is password protected. Password 8761.
I have ‘auto-hide’ ribbon too.
However, by doing this, the ‘undo’ and ‘redo’ buttons that sits on the top in the “Quick Access Toolbar”...
Yes, I agree. In this particular scenario, data is to be refreshed only once each month. Why: I have a very large data-set, about 40000 rows and 50+ columns. I sort and retrieve the top 1000 according to the parameters and then dump in the file as Values. make sense?
I did try post #6 too. Yes...
Hi Chihiro. Thanks for this info. However, I have just now found the simple solution, I think, and this will work for me.
Scenario: I will have about 50 users, spread across the country. File will be saved, and password protected, in one central location. Every authorized user will only have...
(1) In the attached file, there are 3 sheets. Master, Slicers, Table. All three have hyperlinks to navigate to Master, and vice-versa. Slicers Tab has 2 slicers too. I save this file in the Web format (published entire-workbook). When I open this in the Web browser, the links and the slicers...
Hi Mike
"Can you leave a blank column between the groups" I am afraid not. Reason, because I want to create pivot tables from the data. Blank column with no label wont let me create Pivot Tables unless I give dummy names label to the blank columns.
Guess, there is no work around this.
I want to create 3 separate Groups i.e.
for Columns A to D, Columns E to H, Columns I to L
Following steps wont create 3 Groups rather extends Grouping of Columns A to L
Highlight Columns A to D and Create Group
Then, I highlight Columns E to H and create Group; rather than creating...
hmmm very strange lol
I will use the one sent back by you and try to apply on the real data tomorrow. I am sure this will work.
I will come back to you in a day or two.
Many thanks Sajan, much appreciated
I am very novice in Macros; don't really know reading the code yet.
If you can just let me know that whether this is workable or not; whether Macros in Excel can perform such functions or not. If yes, then I will spend some time and work on this but if this is simply not permissible and macros...
Thanks Sajan
Following was the result, with Cells in column B formatted as Number. 2610 and subsequent figures tells me what I couldnt understand.
Mon 6 to Thu 16 Jan 2610
Wed 22 to Fri 24 Jan 521
Mon 10 to Fri 14 Feb 1045
Mon 17 to Fri 21 Feb
I am somewhat familiar with creating macros, and they work perfectly well within the Excel Application.
This is what I want to do:
Create some data and saved, file closed.
Record a Macro in Excel and take these steps:
1) Start recording (from the Developer tool)
2) Open the folder where file...