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  1. S

    Copied excel chart shows hidden data after source data file closed

    Thanks.. Camera tool works perfect... Maybe i was not doing in same way earlier as Luke had mentioned. Thanks again!
  2. S

    Copied excel chart shows hidden data after source data file closed

    Correct me if i am wrong, but pasting as a picture wont let the graph update next time . thanks
  3. S

    Copied excel chart shows hidden data after source data file closed

    Yes. chart needs to be linked so that it can be updated. Thanks.
  4. S

    Copied excel chart shows hidden data after source data file closed

    Hi, i copied a excel chart with source data in a different workbook. the source data had data in some hidden colums too. Copied chart looks exactly the same as the chart in the source data file. But as soon as i close the source data file, copied chart starts showing the hidden data too. is...