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Search results

  1. L

    Column headings in a combobox!

    Try this where the combo box refers to F1 on sheet1 and the data "to appear" is in columns A, B, C, D of sheet2. Regards, Howard Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim colA As Long Dim colB As Long Dim colC As Long Dim colD As Long Dim ColDa As Variant If...
  2. L

    Code to check quiz answers with answer key... returns false info

    Hi Narayan, Yep, that does it. Thanks a ton. Frankly I find the sound a bit distracting if not annoying. I will offer a 'with sound' and a 'no sound' version to the end user. Thanks again. Regards, Howard
  3. L

    Code to check quiz answers with answer key... returns false info

    Thanks Hui for taking a look and the suggestion. I made this change and verified no spaces. If c.Text = c.Offset(0, 2).Text Then .... The results are the same missinformation as before. Seems that both IF statements are coming into play for each answer when the IF should disqualify one...
  4. L

    Code to check quiz answers with answer key... returns false info

    The answers to a quiz are entered in Range("C12:C20"). The answer key is listed in Range("E12:E20") = AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH, II. The quiz answers in Range("C12:C20) = WW, BB, CC, DD, WW, FF, GG, HH, II. (Two wrong answers to test code) Run the code: The code says the first WW is...
  5. L

    Excel 2010 and windows 7 speech recognition

    Hi Hui, The Speak Cells activate directions are clear and gets it done. The OP mentions Speech Recognition, which I believe is different. I muddled about to install Speech recognition, and do have it installed. However, the few times I tried it didn't impress me, to wit: seemed not to be...
  6. L

    VLooKUP, Copying and Pasting, Several issues

    Hi =REPT("G",5), Can post a small sample of your data? Post the vlookup formula you are using. Where/what are the dulicates you speak of? Returning the M only from a cell that has M234566 is indeed quite strange. Regards, Howard
  7. L

    Need a VBA Macro to consolidate multiple worksheets to one Master

    Tried your link and got: The link you're trying to access can't be used to share files. Please ask the file owner to provide you with a shared link instead. Contact Box Support if you need help. Regards, H
  8. L

    Change cursor to another column after find value

    Maybe something as simple as this. Paste in the sheet module you are conducting the Find. Option Explicit Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then Exit Sub If ActiveCell.Column = 5 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Select...
  9. L

    wildcard in concatenate

    I changed your formula removed ; put in ,. For each ""*$" I put in H1, where cell H1 = $. I entered "all" in each of the cells looking for "all". Formula returned seven $'s. I entered 50 in D4 and formula returned 50$$$$$$$...
  10. L

    macro to copy paste value from sheet1 to sheet2 in empty cell

    Just to add to Luke M's code in case the column A length varies in sheet Data... Sub TransferData() Dim lastCol As Long With Worksheets("Log") lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'Check if we need to paste in first col, or next col If .Cells(1, lastCol)...
  11. L

    Remove duplicates from a single cell and concatenate a row?

    Try this for a VBA solution. ' Option Explicit Sub ConConWComma() ' ConCol is a named your range of cells in column A ActiveSheet.Range("ConCol").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo Range("B1") = Join(Application.Transpose(Range(Range("A1"), _ Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)))...
  12. L

    Date Conversion

    Hi bobsri, =LEFT(I1,12)-LEFT(H1,12) returns 5. Regards, Howard
  13. L

    Checking cell contents

    If cell D2 had this in it 1,4,7,10,11 OR 1 4 6 2 12 the two formulas I offered would return 5, the number of digits. I believe you want the number times a particular digit occurs in the various cells. So if you had ten number 12's then that would indicate there were ten no. 12 reasons...
  14. L

    Checking cell contents

    For the cell using comas: =LEN(D1)+1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D1,",","")) For the cell using spaces: =LEN(D2)+1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D2," ","")) The second formula seems to work if both comas and spaces are used. 1, 4, 7, 10, 11 Regards, Howard Posted before I saw your example sheet. This probably...
  15. L

    query on vlookup with cell formula not cell value

    Maybe this, I am vague on understanding the question. A AA D DD 444 AA 111 B BB BB 222 C CC CC 333 D DD DD 444 Where the data is in columns A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Where cell D1 returning DD is =VLOOKUP(C1,A1:B4,2,0) Where cell E1 returning 444 is =VLOOKUP(D1,F1:G4,2,0) Regards, Howard
  16. L

    Getting a concatenated text list of applicable values

    Hi Luke M, I'm bonking on how to use your UDF. It would seem to me =ConcIf(Check_Range) would do it, where "Check_Range" is a named range that I want to Conc. Looks like it will do vert to horiz OR horiz to vert depending on the cells(1,i) or cells(i,1). Thanks, Howard
  17. L

    How to Find Missing Numbers in a Sequence

    Hi jacharya, Option Explicit Sub MissNum() Dim c As Range For Each c In Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 1) If c.Offset(1, 0).Value - c.Value <> 1 Then MsgBox "Missing Number " & c.Offset(1, 0) - 1 c.Offset(0, 1).Value = c.Offset(1, 0) - 1 End If Next...
  18. L

    Count rows highlighted in red color

    Ah-Ha...! Got it, pretty slick. Thanks, Howard
  19. L

    Count rows highlighted in red color

    Hi Deb, What am I doing wrong? I did all this: * Name Manager > New * Name : Color_cell * Refers to : =GET.CELL(63,OFFSET(INDIRECT("A1"),ROW()-1,0)) * Now in B1 Write Formula as =Color_cell Fill A1 red, select B1 click in the formula box then hit enter returns 3. Clear Col A...
  20. L

    Count rows highlighted in red color

    You might start here, may or may not suit your needs but Chip Pearson seems to be the color counting guru among MVP's. http://www.cpearson.com/excel/cfcolors.htm If the rows are NOT conditional format colored, it's pretty much duck soup with VBA. Regards, Howard
  21. L

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    Here's a shot in the dark... =VLOOKUP(A1,INDIRECT(F1),2,FALSE) Regards, Howard
  22. L

    Button to know which cell its in

    Hi Gumbles, This is for where the cursor (activecell) is NOT where the button is. ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Insert Shift:=xlDown, _ CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove If you for sure you want the insert from where the button is, I don't know. But I will mess around to see if I can make...
  23. L

    Is it possible to assign a five digit code a value?

    Hi, nmorrison You might try this to make entering your data a bit easier/quicker. Copy and paste in the vb editor of sheet Hoja2. I assigned short-cut keystroke to both codes ctrl + a & ctrl + e. Option Explicit Sub PatientAdd() 'ctrl + a Dim PName As String Dim CptC As String PName...