correction to sgmpatnaik: if you want the branch code to display in B1 (or C1 as you indicated in your original post), then that is where you'll enter the formula.
[if i read the above correct, he said to enter the formula in A1 on Sheet2.]
did this work for you?
If these are the only 2 options, you could simplify your formula
=IF(Q7="By Sea",Customer!E5+49,Customer!E5+30)
=IF(Q7="By Sea",TODAY()+49,TODAY()+30)
glad to hear you got it working!
out of curiosity... why would their Start Month be blank?
not sure if this has been resolved... but i've played with just a couple months (specifically ones beyond the year 2012 and it seems to be working...when a date is available
=IF(ISBLANK(A1),"Starting Month Needed",($G$1-A1)/30)
it may be helpful to upload a sample.
at first, i was thinking about copy/cut and using the "transpose" optoin under Paste Special...... but without seeing it, im not sure if that would give you what youre looking for.
It sounds like there are 2 options...via sea=6 weeks & via air=4 weeks... Therefore, i would think an IF function could be helpful.
if we assume the choice for air/sea will be made in cell A1:
Which date calculation...
are the values in the first Col (Ram, Shyam, etc) unique for each row or can there be multiple rows with the same value??
Ram ccc aaa
Shyam aaa vvvv
Ram eee bbb??
if the values can repeat, this will make it a bit more challenging. also, it would be HIGHLY recommened that...
i guess the first thing i'm wondering is where is the data coming from? Manual entering? other sales related Software?
that will be a huge factor as not all software programs are developed to export data nicely to excel...(clic of a button nice)
lets start there.
without playing with or seeing how you have both sheets setup..... it is possible. the first thing i thought of was you could make the date be a hyperlink to a named range. granted this would take a lot of manual setup (ie: naming each days range of cells then setting all hyperlinks! hahhaha)...
Hey there neighbor to the north! (indiana here)
Im not sure what you mean by just getting the number to work?
also it may be helpful to expand a little more on what your desired outcome is, how you're going to use this.
i assume you mean an actual combo box (ie: form control), yes...
I'm not following the 'layout' you posted:
Merged Cells Enter Auto Enter Auto Enter Auto Calculated
Drop Down
D & E F G H I J K L
Employee Date Perdiem Hours Rate O/T O/T Total
Name Hours Rate
but if you wanting to select a employee's name from a dropdown list (do you have this setup?)...
it technically is looking at ranges... if the value is not less than or equal to .25, it'll look to see if the value is less than or equal to .5. That establishes the ranges <=.25 will = .25, anything >.25 to <.50 will = .5 ...maybe im not understanding your first question. (do...
it would be good to learn more about how arrays work and when they are usefule/needed. (Chandoo has written about arrays before...use the search box and im sure you'll find something!!)
if you just need to know how to edit a formula and NOT lose the array part: all arrays are entered using the...
The IF function may.....
'B23' would be whatever cell contains the Diff value
im sure someone will come along and clean up or give a better option (luke?!? lol)
my change to the formula in the event neither column contains 'apples':
Question: What does Column A and C represent? ...wonering why you could have the fruits items listed in either column for the same row...
This will depend solely on your layout and not see such, this may not work.
Assuming your previous setup/layout of data starts in A1:Dwhatever: i...
when you go to Share Workbook and the little dialog box opens, is the checkbox at the top 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time....' checked?
Not sure what your desired end result is, but you could just turn on filtering (assuming A1 has some sort of field heading) and then just select whichever option you want to see data for...
but there are several ways that this can be accomplished; again, depending on your desired end result.