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  1. J

    Max date not after certain date

    7/30/2012 | 12/27/2012 | blank | 12/27/2012 | 12/27/2012 | blank | 12/27/2012 | 12/27/2012 This row has the same dates for the docs recieved... is this accurate/possible? if so this will, as you said, return a negative amount of days for the life of the claim. (date claim was processed - date...
  2. J

    Max date not after certain date

    and if you change the <D1 or >D1 part in my formula, neither gives you the outcome you are wanting? i guess im not following 100%. could you take the dates you posted originally and give the result you wish to be returned?
  3. J

    Send email and list group of data in body of email

    the top part should be easily accomplished using the MailMerge Feature in Word... the only part im not 100% about is the ability for the invoice breakdown...easily at least... i mean you could have each invoice # and amount in a different column. (Invoice1, Amount1, invoice2, amount2, etc) and...
  4. J

    Max date not after certain date

    do you want the max date for each row or for the whole range of dates? if one for each row, i would use the if funciton: =IF(MAX(E1:K1)>D1,"",MAX(E1:K1)) Scratch that... i think you'll want <D1 >D1 if you want the date to be before the date in D1 <D1 if you want the date...
  5. J

    Pivot Table Date Grouping

    can you upload a sample of the spreadsheet. you may need an entry for each row the the month/week. (so each row could have a column for the date, a col. for the month, and a col. for the week (if and however you wish do do this one). then you would put that field (ie: month) in the row labels...
  6. J

    Changing Pivot table source from Access to excel (2007 Version)

    NON VBA: Select the PivotTable in Excel and in the Contextual PivotTable Ribbons that should now be visible, you should see an option for Change Source Data. this will allow you to select whichever sheet and cell range contains the data that you want your pivot table based off of.
  7. J

    Telemarketing/Lead Generation

    Luke is correct (hey, there IS a first time for everything!!! hhahahahaj/k) but i do believe, if this is an option, there may be software options that will automatically track some of these details (call time, result, date, time, name, yadda yadda...) but some of these will require manual entry.
  8. J

    Weekday Formula required for Planning Sheet

    ....then upgrade to 2010...... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA well... then i have nothing
  9. J

    Calculating Dates in a Range

    may not the be best solution...but it works This is assuming the following layout: A1=first date B1=second date C1=If <30 Column D1=If >=30 and <59 Column E1:If >=60 and <89 Column **Additional columns could be added as needed. Formulas: A2= none B2= none C2=...
  10. J

    Weekday Formula required for Planning Sheet

    due to my works security restrictions, i can not upload the sample file nor can i email the book to my personal email. I may be able to email my spreadsheet to 'myself' and access my work account from to upload if thats needed but may not be able to accomplish that today/tonight. hopefully...
  11. J

    Weekday Formula required for Planning Sheet

    ok.... this 'APPEARS TO BE WORKING' HAHAHAHA My layout is the same as the sample in your link. A1=Job, B1=order qty, C1=capacity, D1=required days, E1=Input start date, F1=Input End Days, G1=1st output date, H1=last output date, I1=Dispatch start date, J1=Dispatch End Date. Holidays: I named...
  12. J

    Weekday Formula required for Planning Sheet

    ahh... i see........ i know what i did was M-F. so may formula may not work then.... still going to play around! ;) so for the first job: the input start date is 1/7/13 and the last ouput date should be 19 days after: 1/29/13? (starting day 1 on 1/7/13, not including any sundays, and not...
  13. J

    Weekday Formula required for Planning Sheet

    i believe i did something like this a short stent back.... but cant find that spreadsheet. just to verify, you only want Mon-Fri counted and the Holidays listed to be excluded as well?
  14. J

    Help with VLOOKUP

    Monday________ice cream Tuesday_______chocolate brownie Tuesday_______pudding Tuesday_______cookie Wednesday_____cheesecake Thursday______fruit Thursday______cake Friday________jelly is the data liks this?! and you want it to return all row items under Tuesday (and any given day)...
  15. J

    Automatically Insert Row into Table

    so youre asking if you have a range of cells 'formatted as a table', if you insert a row anywhere inbetween the first row and the last row of this 'table' will that newly inserted row be a part of and formatted as the rest of the table? if i'm understanding your question then yes, it should.
  16. J

    VLOOKUP using text

    =VLOOKUP(A1,SHEET2!A1:C100,2,FALSE) The above formula assumes that the value you are looking for is in A1, the table of data that your wanting to access is on Sheet2 and in cells A1:C100. NOTE: you can obviously adjust any of these cell references to match the layout of your spreadsheets/data...
  17. J

    Clickable Drilldown Pie Charts

    First off, welcome to CHANDOOOOOOOOOO.ORG!!! If you had this data in a PivotTable a PivotChart would be one solution... you could even use the Slicer Tool to change which Category (dairy, cheese, etc) you want to view. (Slicers are only in Excel 2010) i vote for PivotTbl/PivotChart do you...