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Search results

  1. J

    Renaming of days in a spreadsheet

    ....while im down here (echoing)... [edited/ nevermind, i found the answer to my question in your first post] can you clean up your data example from your first post (i cant view uploaded sheets due to work security restrictions...darn Secret Agency lol)?? and perhaps the 'desired' day you'd...
  2. J

    Renaming of days in a spreadsheet

    WWHHAAAAAAT!?! LUKE IS CONFUSED!?!!?! thats it!! a sign of the END OF DAYS!! I'm going into hiding in my underground nuclear safe bunker!!! good luck to all of yoU!
  3. J

    Renaming of days in a spreadsheet

    just to summarize a bit... you basically want to be able to 'return' "friday" if the log was made during the Friday night shift? so if the log/record was created on Sat. at 1:30am, you want it to see it as friday?
  4. J

    Linking Master yearly sheet to individual monthly sheets

    if you are entering / storing all if the monthly data on the yearly sheet, IIWM, i woul make the monthly tables PivotTables from the yearly sheet. that way each monthly sheet would be a pivot table filtered for that specific month. if any data in the yearly sheet changes, the pivottables (once...
  5. J

    Adding a common prefix to date value in a column

    the numbers incased in the single quotes is the number behind that said date.... (Jan 9 2011 is 40552 days after 1/1/00) when i added a single quote before and after all i got was 9-Jan-11' but what youre saying is you want the value of the cell to '9-Jan-11', correct? what if you just...
  6. J

    macro to lock and unlock

    i did that... i acutally figured it out apparently when i was recording myself unlocking the document, the code line wasn't written/constructed correctly. had to make a quick fix to the unprotect line and BAM!! its working lovely now!!
  7. J

    Looking for advice

    i would assume that each invoice would be already assigned to its specific department? if so, you could add a new column that simply places the number 1 for each record. then use this in a pivot table to see how many total invoices each department add. as far as charts, you could do a...
  8. J

    macro to lock and unlock

    Hey everyone!! One of my roles is Document Control and in such position, I update 10000000000000000000000000 of documents (the number may be a bit of an exaggeration lol). to help speed up the process of protecting each document i created a macro. the thought was i would create a counter-macro...
  9. J

    Find out who has the highest average cost

    depending on layout of data, a pivottable sounds like a real easy solution as it would combine all records belonging to the same person to calculate the totals/averages.
  10. J

    Vlookup Next time event

    i havent been able to play much with your senario, but INDEX & MATCH may be able to do this?
  11. J

    Hidden column still showing up in chart

    in the pivotChart, all you need to do is add the Year field to the Report Field and then filter that field to just show the desired year. depending on how you have the pivotTable layout, you may be able to just simply apply the filter in its current location (as row lables or as column labels)
  12. J

    Formula Update/Don't Update Prompt

    can you post a pic or the actual text of the message? is it about external links to other workbooks?
  13. J

    vlookup with concatenate

    could you provide a sample worksheet as the layout of the data could make a big difference?! if a student pays with multiple receipts, are these numbers entered in the same row across multiple columns or would each separate receipt be in a separate row for that particular student BOB |...
  14. J

    Camera Tool

    I recently found out about this hidden tool (2013) from one of Luke M's posts and noticed a 'bug' when taking a 'picture' of a chart. I had 2 charts on one sheet. I select all of the cells the the 2 charts 'sit on' and placed the 'picture' on a new sheet (same workbook). the image itself looks...
  15. J

    Congratulations Bobhc - 1,000 Posts

    ahh... true true. If not a smile, it definitly got that song stuck in my head... which doesnt create a smile of any sort!! hahaha
  16. J

    Congratulations Bobhc - 1,000 Posts

    1000+ posts and still waiting for something useful to come from one of them!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH congrats!
  17. J

    Conditional Formating/ IF Function

    Welcome Holmes! the IF function looks fine... (though, if those are the only 3 options you could shorten it to: =IF(B7>=90, "P", IF(B7>=80, "N", "F")) either way, all you'd need to do is setup the Conditional Formatting. Select the cells where this formula is going to. Go to...
  18. J

    Chart Copy from one sheet to another?

    AHH HA!! where at? (wish we could send a PM or something...lol)
  19. J

    How to sum a fixed # of cells

    what if you had a 'running calculation' under the hrs worked? Assuming you had Jan1 in A1 and 5hrs worked in A2: You could start the formula in J6 (the 10th day of the month). =sum(J5:A5)/10 then you could drag that formula across for the remaining days...? this would show you from any...
  20. J

    How to use Vlookup in Excel.

    VLOOKUP(Lookup Value, Table Array, Column Num, True/False) Lookup Value: the value in which you are searching for -- this can be a 'hard value' that you simply type in or it could be a cell reference if the value changes or already exists in a cell. Table Array: the cell range in which the...
  21. J

    Chart Copy from one sheet to another?

    interesting find, Luke. I'll do some searching to add to the confusion... i got crafty and added border to all of my cells of the first page and labled the columns so i could see what was getting cut off. #lolgenius and i found that NO COLUMNS are getting cut off/not printed.... its the...
  22. J

    how to change power pivot table size

    if its a pivottable: you may want to look in the PivotTable Options Ribbon -- Data Group -- Change Data Source??
  23. J

    Chart Copy from one sheet to another?

    Luke, thanks for the camera tip.... think i can use that but am having issues with printing. I have a workbook that has a couple sheets, each sheet with at least 2 pivottables & relating pivotcharts. i used the camera tool to put all the charts (the mirror image/pic) all on one page to make...
  24. J

    open every workbook in new window

    are you opening the files by going through Excel? (office button, open, ...) have you tried opening 1 file, then going to your start menu (or icon on your desktop if you have one) and opening excel again for the next file?? i know if i want 2 separate windows open to have them side-by-side, i...
  25. J

    sum lookup based on 2 conditions

    this would be helpful to have a sample of your workbook for the rest of us to 'play with' also, how do you wish the criteria to be 'set'? are you doing to enter/type/select?