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Search results

  1. J

    How to pull a unique list of dates based on 2 criteria?

    couldnt you use the advanced filter?
  2. J

    dynamic rolling date filter on Pivot Table??

    Nevermind. i figured out...or at least a work-around because my YYYY_MM Dates were seen as text rather than actual dates, i decided to create a new column with an IF function that looked at the starting date to determine if it was 6 months (180 days) older than NOW() or not. i had it return...
  3. J

    dynamic rolling date filter on Pivot Table??

    So I have several PivotTables (and about to make several more) that are looking at data from the 'past 6 months'. right now, i have the Date in my column headings and manually check and uncheck the correct months. meaning, every month, i have to go to each chart and add the current month and...
  4. J

    Is it possible for a program a workbook to change based on a drop down box?

    I'd have to do some research (dont exactly have the time to do it right now) but i believe you can use the Indirect function in Data Validation to make one list dependent upon the value of another.... hopefully someone else here can help. if not, i always check back and if i get some spare...
  5. J

    need a formula, please~

    while reading the first paragraph i was thinking a nested if function..... but then i read the second part and you lost me
  6. J

    Slicer Q

    ...can you upload a sample file for someone to look at.... it will solely depend on how your data is organized.
  7. J

    Can we eliminate repetitive input in a formula?

    Helper column or possibly with vba are my only ideas... but i dont know VBA well enough to suggest anything
  8. J

    Nested IF(ISBLANK)

    I believe some of the conditions were incorrect: i think this is what you're after: =IF(Sheet1!E1<>"",Sheet1!E1,IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!E1),Sheet1!D1,IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!D1),Sheet1!C1,IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!C1),Sheet1!B1,IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!B1),Sheet1!A1,"")))))
  9. J

    colored row as delimiter

    make a pivotTable from the data. then right click the field, go to Field settings, on the 2nd tab there should be a check box to insert a blank row. then you can select all of the inserted blank rows together by placing your cursor towards the right side of on the new blank rows (till you see...
  10. J

    dynamic charting where the months are in columns

    what is your data setup like? can you upload a sample file?! a pivot table may be a great option. then once you have the data arranged how you want in the pivottable, you can create a pivotchart to reflect it.
  11. J

    Formula to populate value in cells based on a number

    this is confusing.... the first 2 lines arent.... but the last one about if a cell has the number 50 lost me completely. if you want 1 cell to equal the other cell, its fairly simple. a1=b1. or in your case, you could use =IF(a4=3,A4) and you would just place this formula in the needed cells...
  12. J

    Formula to populate value in cells based on a number

    this is confusing.... the first 2 lines arent.... but the last one about if a cell has the number 50 lost me completely. if you want 1 cell to equal the other cell, its fairly simple. a1=b1. or in your case, you could use =IF(a4=3,A4) and you would just place this formula in the needed cells...
  13. J

    Sum row values with column header

    you want to add all of the numbers in the column? =sum(A2:A100) obviously, you'd want to change the cell references to match your sheet.
  14. J

    Linking a running total on one spreadsheet to another spreadsheet

    you can link one cell in sheet 2 to a corresponding cell in sheet1 by entering the following into the appropriate cell location in Sheet2: =Sheet1!A1 if i enter this in B5 on Sheet2; whatever is in A1 on Sheet1 will also show in B5 on Sheet2
  15. J

    Extract All 9's from A1:A1000

    Luke does that often..... must be the ninja suit.
  16. J

    Macro - Delete blank cells - problem

    go grab a cup of coffee?
  17. J

    hyperlink to workbook not working

    its in the correct place.... the issue was one of the folders that the file was located in contained a "#" as the folder name. apparently excel/hyperlinks dont like certain special characters. ironically enough, i was able to create a shortcut to the file located in a folder located...
  18. J

    hyperlink to workbook not working

    ok, the answer may be right in front of me, but i'm not seeing it... i created a hyperlink in a spreadsheet to open a separate existing workbook. i can open the file just fine if i do it manually (File - Open - etc.) but when i insert the hyperlink and click on it, i get this error saying...
  19. J

    Freeze Particular column and rows

    the following link, bob?! hahaha
  20. J

    Appending Data in Column

    OPTION1: (this is simply getting the @ symbol to show in the cells... this symbol will not be stored in the cell) selecet the cells this is to apply to and go to format cell/ number format tab. select custom and enter the following: "@" # hit ok now, when you go to type in a number (just...
  21. J

    IF(AND Formula to Search Criteria in Two Columns Against 3rd Criteria

    maybes its just 'late in the day' but i'm confused about why you would even need the first sheet altogether. if sheet 2 contains the same combo (and appear to be exact match/order as your sheet1) doesnt Col.C on sheet 2 state right next to the combo itself if its in stock or not?!?!
  22. J

    Should I be using vlookup?

    ...i dont think a formula would be able to do this..... but uploading a sample file would help the rest of us see and understand exactly what you're working with....
  23. J

    Calculating Increase Based on a Rate Table

    =(B8-VLOOKUP(B8,E9:H17,1,TRUE))*VLOOKUP(B8,E9:H17,4,TRUE)+VLOOKUP(B8,E9:H17,3,TRUE) B8 is your K5 E9:h17 is the following data you provided: $0--------50,000----0--------10% 50,000----75,000----5,000----11% 75,000----100,000---5,500----12% 100,000---125,000---9,000----13%...
  24. J

    Slicer/Excel 2010: How to remove duplicates from a slicer

    the more we see the better!! what about even uploading the file?
  25. J

    Conditional Format Formula Help needed

    thats not working as needed..... i'll have to look at this again tomorrow i want to to look at the selected cell and format the cell if it is greater than the cell below it or if it is less than the cell above it. however, the 'hurdle' i'm at is there are some (2 im my example) that have a...