it would depend on your data layout... what column contains the Company names? If i have names starting in A2 down to A100 and my next col is each companies account number, contact name, etc. my range would be A2:D100. the key with the vlookup is that the first part of your lookup range...
LUKE!!! I finally had a few minutes to sit down with this and guess what!?! Thanks to your breakdown I was able to adapt it to work for the rest of the departments!! (It helped greatly once I remembered that I deleted a col. on some of the sheets but not all of them.... onnce that was fixed...
To add on to what Luke said... if you cant find a template that will work, you'll be able to edit one thats close or build 1 from scratch.
If you have to edit/build the template yourself and you ask for assistance on here (which im sure someone if not several will be happy to assist), please...
im not sure how much i can help but it kind of sounds like you'll need to assign a volumne percetange for each task: Task 1= 10%, Task 2: 2%, Task 3: 43%.... and use these to evaluate (somehow) how each person can be utilized in their trained tasks and not 'over load them'. so that if bob is...
i see some 'problems' with the table/conditions...
if we are looking at a time to see if it is BETWEEN one of the above conditions, then what if the time is 6:30... this is between the first condition and the second??
hmmm...i'm not sure how the blank cells are 'interfiering' with your desired results as the Pivot shouldnt show/include them.(care to elaborate?)
i changed my mind... i would put your Task field and Name field in the ROW labels box. with Task field first and then name underneath, it should...
If im following you correctly... a pivot table (perhaps 2) should do this fairly easily.
highlight the 2 columns you mention and create a pivot table. You can play around with different layouts but i think you'd want both fields in your Columns box. You may (probably) need to do one Pivot...
just my first flag while reading this, im not 100% sure if your data_range will default to all sheets by just indicating a cell range....
so just i understand... when the vlookup that you're using fetches the respective cell, it returns a 0? instead of the date(formatted)?
one idea; and i dont know how easy this would.... if you go to wherever the dates are stored, and instead of formatting the cells to display a certain way...
1. create macro to automatically lock the sheet.
- it would also be good to create a separate macro that will unlock the sheet
2. wait 30 minutes
3. Hit/run macro.
i keed, i keed!!!!
i cant help you (other than my above mentioned steps)
are you able to build the sheet/formula 'for the future'? meaning, you know which months are in a year and the order... so could you list the months and write the formula to look at the specific range to calculate the total? any upcoming months wont affect the total as they will be empty.
do you have plans with the copied department specific data? (curious if you actually need to manipulate the data or just for viewing/printing abilities.
if you are just looking to be able to see/print a list of people in each dept. then i would just enable the Filter tool. select 1 or all of...
have you tried "TRUE" instead of "FALSE"? ('luck of the draw' results, but just curious...
i thought ive seen something like this before... will try and find it. will post if i do.
not sure if i totally understand:
you want to check if the value of A2 matches the values in B2:I2?? what is in B5?
maybe a better example/layout would help?
here's what i did:
first i listed the unique names (removed duplicates from the data you provided). this list was in I2. In I1 i have "Name", then 2011, 2012 in J1 and K1.
then in J2 i have the following formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(I2&$J$1,A1:E28,5,FALSE),"")
and in K2...
questions: do you want all of the years to be listed horizontally like you have 2012 and 2011? i noticed that not all Names appear to have an entry rating for all years... if you have all the years listed horizontally (2005 -- 2006 -- 2007 -- etc..) then you'll have empty cells all over the place.
Debraj, thank you for the response.
But due to work restrictions all uploading sites (that i've seen used on here) appear to be blocked... so i'll try to explain
I track our Quality Complaints. Each QC should have a department assigned, who found it, when, yadda yadda, what type of product...
I wouldn't be surprised if the answer isn't right under my nose...
I have a PivotTable (the end... lol.. just kidding). the PivotTbl has a list of various departments and in the 'Values' field/box it is adding the total number of Pages for each Department.
What I'm trying to do is also...
not sure if i completely understand what you're trying to do, but any of the lookup fucntions (vlookup, lookup, match & index) may help.
can you provide a more detailed example? or even upload a sampel file?
perhaps you can provide more details on what your looking for.... are you wanting to keep the info you have above in one column and have the abbreveated version in a separate col?
maybe show how want all of the to 'look' S-XXL, S-XL, S-L, S-M/L?? like this?
a formula with varis nested text...
well you're on the right track with vlookup or match/index. it will mainly depend on what 'direction' you need to go... if your SKU # is to the left of the data you're after, then vlookup would work, if the data is to the right of your SKU numbers vlookup will not work as it cant go that...