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  1. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Thanks again for you help. Blair
  2. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    You understand correctly except if AO4 is -1 then AO9, not AO10, should be the same as E10
  3. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Cell E10 and following contains closing prices on a daily basis. Each day I will add another closing price at the bottom of Col E. I would like to duplicate all of Col E to Col AO and offset backward by the contents of AO4 (currently -26). AO4 will always be a negative number. Therefore the...
  4. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Hey Narayan You hit the jackpot. It works!!! Thanks very much Blair
  5. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Hey Narayan I’m back from lunch and ready to go to work. Perhaps the OFFSET formula is not what I need. You tell me. Your understanding of point 1 is correct. I simply want to duplicate the data in Col AE to Col AG. Point 2 – AE61 will always be the starting place. There is nothing...
  6. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Please forgive me. My previous post was an attempt to state my problem in the simplest of terms. Today's post states my problem (I hope) in a way the will be clearer and less subject to misunderstanding. Can we still be friends?
  7. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Hi SirJB7 Hope your weekend was pleasant and fruitful. I'm still having trouble. Cells AE61 through AE347 is the range that I wish to copy, move and paste. AG4 is the cell containing the number of cells that I wish to offset (move down) which is currently 26. AG87:AG373 is where I would...
  8. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Sajan seems to have made sense of my problem. I do want to move the contents of Col A to Col C and shift the entire column up or down based on the contents of B1. It will never have to shift more that 64 rows either way (and usually only about 25) and there are plenty of blank cells above and...
  9. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    This is the next step in my worksheet construction. Column A is the result of a formula combining numbers from several previous columns. Each day a new number will be added to the bottom of Column A. I would like to offset Column A to column C and move the entire column down or up X rows...
  10. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    You did it this time. Thanks very much. I may need more help on this project - but not today. Give yourself the rest of the day "off". Blair
  11. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Hi SirJB7 This is what I have now but I’m still getting “False” when M147=”Sell” - and Buy and Below gives a Weak BuyBUY. It seems to be picking up from column M. See excerpt from my worksheet below. This is the formula as you corrected it...
  12. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Hi SirJB7 I took the last formula you sent and wound up with the formula below. The “Hold” and “Buy” part works fine but all the “Sell” signals return “False”. What did I do wrong? Can’t kill the "Strong Buy" guy. That’s me. =IF(M147="Hold","Hold",IF(M147="BUY",IF(N147="Above","Strong...
  13. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    This is a continuation of my nested IF/AND project. Column A contains one of the following: Buy, Sell, Hold Column B contains one of the following: Above, Within, Below I want to match these two columns and get the following results in Column C: Buy & Above = Strong Buy Buy & Within =...
  14. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Thanks for your help. It works!
  15. B

    Nested IF/And formula

    Is it possible to combine the following three formulas into one formula so the results can be shown in one column instead of three? =IF(AND(AD2>AI2,K2>AD2),”Above”,””) =IF(AND(AD2>AI2,K2<=AD2,K2>=AI2),”Within”,””) =IF(AND(AD2<AI2,K2<AI2),”Below”,””) Column M...
  16. B

    Adjust end of range in a Sum formula

    Thanks for your effort but it doesn't give the right answer. Blair
  17. B

    Adjust end of range in a Sum formula

    I have a simple formula that sums a range of cells. For example: =Sum(C10:C35). Rather than use the fixed end of range I would like to refer to another cell containing a number to be added to the C10 to compute the end of range. Can you help?
  18. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    =ColorFunction(B9,D1:M1,2,-1) ' Minimum of all negatives between D1:M1 that match color in B9 The formula above gives the correct answer except when there is no negative number on the row. Then it gives #####. I've tried using an IFERROR function or conditional formatting to print in...
  19. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    We are so close that I can taste success! The count functions work as requested. The changes you made yesterday have removed the "MINs if SUM_MIN is false" function. Will you please restore this function? Then I think we are through. I can't tell you how valuable your work is to me. Thank...
  20. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Thanks Hui The formula from yesterday works just fine. To complete my project I need to be able to get a COUNT of all the positive cells of a given color and a COUNT of all the negative cells of the same color. This will allow me to compute percentages of wins and/or losses. BTY - the last...
  21. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Will you, or someone else be able to help me? It's bedtime. I'll check tomorrow. Thank you very much. Blair
  22. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Hui I don't understand what you mean by "post reminders directly in the post". Should I send my post again? Blair
  23. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Hi SirJB7 I had a couple of questions related to your help several weeks ago. Please see my post of four days ago (Thursday, December 13, 2012. Thanks Blair
  24. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Hi SirJB7 A computer crash and new computer have kept me from working with your latest Formula – copy shown below: Option Explicit [Function ColorFunction(rColor As Range, rRange As Range, Optional SUM_MIN As Boolean, Optional iSign As Integer) Dim rCell As Range Dim lCol As Long Dim vResult...
  25. B

    Sum of row by background color for positive or negative numbers

    Hi Sajan Thanks for your offer to help. Below is the VBA formula I'm using to sum my various color coded cells. Function ColorFunction(rColor As Range, rRange As Range, Optional SUM_MIN As Boolean) Dim rCell As Range Dim lCol As Long Dim vResult Dim min_val As Variant min_val = 1E+16...