Dear All
Sorry for worngly posting this problem with the previous tag in the pevious post.
I have protected a sheet and the filtering functionality is not getting activated.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Dear All,
I have gone for sheet protection and found the filtering functionality under Data tab is not getting activated.Please help.
Thanks in advance.
I'm the owner of a sheet which is shared by different people in the dept.Different columns are to be updated by different people. Each of the people should have a their respective pass words to update their respective columns.Please help
Dear All Excel Maestros!!!
my department has two different sheets located in two different systems which are updated by two different people.I have a master sheet in my system which has to be linked to these to sheet so that my sheet gets updated with every updation of the individual sheets...
This code nearly worked .But i'm getting the message as:
Run time error ‘-2147417848(80010108)’:
Method ‘Formula’ of object ‘Range” failed.
and when I Debugged, the following line of the code got highlighted in the editor
c.Formula = UCase(c.Formula)
Please help
Thank you
Thanks you all guys,
See, i regularly get data in a excel file or through mails in microsoft outlook which may or may not be in caps.This data is consolidated (Copy and pasted by me )in to an excel worksheet. For clarity purpose or for good appearance, the moment i paste the data ,I want all...
I have an issue. This is regarding the planning of the material .I have a work sheet with data with font color red. In one of the cells along the column if I type ‘RECEIVED’, the color of the entire row should change to black color.Is it possible ,please suggest.
The moment i make entry in the drg no column of 1 st sheet, a new second sheet(with the second template) should get copied/generated to the work book.
i'll explain again, i have two sheets 1 & 2 (with seperate templates). Now when i enter 'red' in one of the columns of sheet 1, then the sheet...
See I'll explain again, My Ist sheet contain the template as
And my 2nd sheet contain the template as
I'm wishing that when i...
Hi Hui,
see i have a work book ,initially having two sheets.Each sheet have one template each.I want to make numerical entries in the cells in one of the columns in the sheet template-1. Each such entry should generate a new sheet template-2, which gets added to the work book .Is it possible.
Can any one help - I have two sheets with different templates.when i make entries in the cell in only one column in the first template/sheet, the second sheet with the template should get copied.(each cell entries in only one coloumn should generate a new sheet with the second template each...
I'm trying to develop a project status report.We have different projects (machine manufacturing)Each project(machine)has many components which are to be manufactured by different operations like machining,fabrication etc.,The link will clearly explain u the linkages between the sheets. I'm...
I have two different templates in two different sheets.Each updation of the cells column wise in first template,should 1) copy the second sheet with the template and 2) the corresponding cells in the copied sheet should also get updated.
Hi Chandoo,
I'm trying to develop a project status report.We have different projects (machine manufacturing)Each project(machine)has many components which are to be manufactured by different operations like machining,fabrication etc.,The link will clearly explain u the linkages between the...