I should know how to do this, but I am coming up blank. I attempted to do in a pivot table, but thought a formula would be better.
I have a list of employees that work each day. An employee maybe listed more than once during the day if he/she was split into another work area. I can...
I simply clicked on several tabs to enter Group Mode again, then deselected and it properly existed Group Mode. That was weird. Sorry for the panic button, but it had me worried!
I have googled and searched the chandoo's website, but the only solution was from the "techguy's blog" and it was removed. I am clicking inside my pivot table, but the fields menu in the upper tool bar won't show. I can't figure out how to get into my pivot table and changes fields and...
After reading Chandoo's posting on "Finding a Zip Code" with the new formulas in Excel 2013, that got me thinking. I have a list of several hundred addresses that I would like to find the lat and long for each one. Can this be done?
You are correct, I read up on it and you can not use relative references with the icon sets. I studied you file and formula and applied to my example, but I must have missed something. I copy/pasted values from my pivot and applied the formula to C5, but it doesn't change background and font...
Yes, I did and that was the problem. As it turns out I only need to identify 4 categories with only 2 different times. EMS will be 60 seconds, while Fire/explosion/Hazmat will be 80 seconds. The other categories will not be addressed with conditional formatting.
I will have to practice...
I applied conditional formatting with the attached document so that any time greater than 5 min 20 seconds would show a yellow side wards arrow. Works great, but instead I now need to set time for each pivot row category. I have a total of 7 different metrics which each one having a...
I figured it out. I had already set my range, so no need to repeat it.
rng.Sort Key1:=Range("L2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
I may be making this more complicated than it should be. I want to sort my table based on the F Column which will have a dynamic range (also could have empty columns within the table).
I think my error is with ws.Range("rng")
Area of Code with Error:
' ws.Range("L2").Select...
I am getting an error with my code and I am not sure why. I think it is because the sheet is not active, but unclear.
Error happens with this line: ApprovedSheet.Cells(2, 5).Select
The "Import" worksheet is the active worksheet at the time
Option Explicit
I have place this code into the sheet name that contains my pivot table, but I can see it is skipping to loop. Not sure if it is because I am using Excel 2003 with this project. My goal is to have the pivot table(s) refresh in the worksheet when the user activates the worksheet to view...
I am getting an error code with this line and not sure why. I am new to loops, so there might be more wrong than I realize.
iRowStart = ImportedSheet.Rows(2) ' This should Row 2 (first row has headers)
My code is looping through the "imported" worksheet and then copying the...
I think I fixed it:
Option Explicit
<br />
Public Sub ImportFile()<br />
' Get workbook...<br />
Dim ws As Worksheet<br />
Dim filter As String<br />
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook, wb As Workbook<br />
Dim Ret As Variant<br />
I think I have the first part:
With wb.ActiveSheet
'find last used row in column A
MyLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'find last used column in row 1
MyLastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range("a2", .Cells(MyLastRow, MyLastColumn)).Select
New to VBA, just finished Chandoo's VBA Course. I am missing something after I find the last row and last column of the data I want to import. I find the last row and last column, but I am not copying it. Confused on that portion of the with Statement.
I also have an error when I...
Sorry to be a pest, but I really like to understand what help I have been given, instead of just taking the results and moving on. It helps me learn.
I now see what you are doing. The Rows(X_axis) through me off at first, but basically you are counting the number of rows that have a value in...
Sorry, I'll try to be more clear. I have seen your created 3 dynamic named Ranges (X-Axis, Score and Average). Is it required to create 1 name range for each (X-Axis, Score and Average)? Or can you create one name range that covers the table? I think it is required to have 3 name ranges, but I...