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  1. Y

    Save as in subfolders

    how do i modify and re-upload
  2. Y

    Save as in subfolders

    hello. For the life of me i do not know why this simple procedure is not working. i have a folder that has 3 subfolders. i am trying to save in the last subfolder but gettign an error message" type mismatch". can someone direct me to let me know what possibly would be the issue. the folders...
  3. Y

    list box not populating

    HUI, how are you? I am getting a invalid property value. What does that mean and what am i doing wrong? I apologize. This is my first foray into using listbox and i retrieved this vba code from a former colleague and trying to adjust it. i appreciate your help.
  4. Y

    list box not populating

    Thank you Hui. Let me revise and see if it works. Thanks
  5. Y

    list box not populating

    I am updating this spreadsheet from a data validation drop down to list box but for some reason, my list box data is not being shown on the listbox. The listbox data is being added via vba. The vba code is located on sheet ("corporate dashboard") This is my first time doing a listbox with up...
  6. Y

    4 way lookup

    Thanks smallman. quick question. why are you against named ranges? i understand tables are much better for dynamic ranges but curious why you don't like named ranges. Thanks
  7. Y

    4 way lookup

    I need help doing a four way lookup. The tab in question is Post Construction by Month. The data tab is Cognos by Month. As you can see this is the structure of the raw data. I tried converting to pivot but the way the raw data is structured it is not possible, unless i am missing something...
  8. Y

    Last row error

    i believe i found the error. did not set my sheets. thanks
  9. Y

    Last row error

    To all, I am getting a runtime erro: method of object _global failed when i try to consolidate my worksheets into a summary sheet. below is the code with the erro line in red. What can possible be wrong? I use this code all the time and all of a sudden won't work. Need help please. I ahve also...
  10. Y

    lookup value in strings

    you are a ninja!! what would chandoo do without ya!! i appreciate it sir.
  11. Y

    lookup value in strings

    i have a string of numbers in excel seperated by a character. I need to know the lookup formulat to extract a number sequence and then do a lookup. See example below as well as sample file attached. 1003006008^1083866453^1225289895^1447342373^1497946453^1659562569^1861683823^1952592917...
  12. Y

    Adjusting last row with total

    still not working...hmmm
  13. Y

    Adjusting last row with total

    also in reviewing the code. this is not what i need. i created a template that will be used to generatedividual workbooks. the template maximum row is 30. what this means is that some data when the workbook is being generated can be less than 30 rows but no more. the last row, in this case, has...
  14. Y

    Adjusting last row with total

    it gives me a syntax error for some reason on this line Range("B"& rownum & ":" Range("B"& rownum).End(xlDown).EntireRow.Delete
  15. Y

    Adjusting last row with total

    thank you very much. will try
  16. Y

    Adjusting last row with total

    to all, good afternoon. i have a macro that copies data into a template and then delete any rows that do not have data before generating the report. the last row of the templat has a total row which sums up the certain columns. but when i run my generator, it deletes this row... i believe this...
  17. Y

    subtraction from a previous sheet vba

    I might be doing something wrong. when i tried it. it doesn't work. here is a sample file. Look at week 2 and week 3 tab. i understood your formula explanation and i apprecaite it but i must be doing something wrong.
  18. Y

    subtraction from a previous sheet vba

    Luke, If you don't mind. can you explain the mechanics of this formula? I appreciate the formula but it also helps me to learn the mechanics as well. I appreciate it sir.
  19. Y

    subtraction from a previous sheet vba

    Thanks Luke. I will try as you say.
  20. Y

    subtraction from a previous sheet vba

    to all, good evening. i created multiple workbook that has 12 tabs or sheets titled "week 1", "week 2" ,etc all the way to "week 3". all the tabs have similar contents and setup. There is a column on each tab titled "variance" and starting in week 2, there is an additional column titled...
  21. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

  22. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

    smallman.. one modification. i have the code but the only hiccup is that it keeps consolidating the first sheet even though i changed the data validation to another sheet. where can i possibly be going wrong with the modified code. i have attached the updated file. below is the full code with...
  23. Y

    sumproduct not working

    do you happen to have the macro so i don't have to recreate? If not, no big deal. Thanks
  24. Y

    sumproduct not working

    You are correct. this is atemplate that only gets updated weekly so i can run a macro to refresh pivot when i run the consolidation macro. good point jeff !!!!
  25. Y

    selecting sheet to consolidate

    works perfectly smallman!!! thanks....